Best Invisible Teeth Aligners 2020

Invisalign Cleaning System for Aligners and Retainers (with Tub)


Removal of Plaque


Design of Product


Value of Product


Easy to use



  • In as little at 15 minutes, plaque can be removed
  • 1 tub contains 50 packets of cleaning crystals. Each packet is good for 1 time use. Good Value
  • Works on Aligners and Retainers
  • Easy to use.


  • Warps in Hot water. The heated water can end up distorting the Aligners, and make your treatment ineffective.
  • Possible orange staining, but this is rare.

You’ve heard the stories of 15 to 17-year-old kids creating their Invisible Teeth Aligners with the use of a 3d scanner for a total of $50.

With the growth of technology booming, most people can choose how they want to shift their teeth. You can even put braces on the tongue side of your teeth, so no one will see the metal braces on the outside of your teeth.

The Invisible teeth aligner business is growing fast, and most times you don’t need to see an Orthodontist like before. Now, people are getting their teeth aligned properly by their Dentist instead.

Some brave individuals are creating their own, but sometimes you get what you pay for, but that’s another blog article. We will save the horror stories of making your own Invisible teeth aligners for another post.

At this point, it seems primitive to straighten your teeth with metal brackets if you’re not a teenager excited about having different color bands on your braces.

What kinds of questions do you have about Invisible teeth Aligners? Feel free to send a message on the Contact page or in the comments below.

My Story with Orthodontics – Metal Braces

I remember getting braces when I was younger, and this was before a clear plastic teeth aligner was on the market. Every two weeks I had to go into the Orthodontic office to get my metal bar tightened.

It was painful, and my teeth would be in pain for about 24-48 hours after I left the office. It was fun to go into the office, though.

I remember being in middle school, so I would go in and see the Orthodontist. He would remove all the plastic bands on my braces, and then he would look at the wire for about five minutes, and then he would have the Dental Assistant put on all the bands.

For me, I’m glad braces were the only choice growing up.


Because I didn’t have the option to take out the braces. I was a kid, and if it didn’t feel good, I wasn’t going to wear it.

As an adult, the story might have been different, but the point of my story is that you should recognize your feelings.

Are Invisible Teeth Aligners For Everyone?



If I grew up with the choice of wearing Clear teeth Aligners, I might do it because everyone else was doing it.

I always believed in the idea of “set it and forget it” because it’s something you don’t have to worry about in the long run.

Once you put in the metal brackets and tighten the braces, you just forget about it for the next 2 weeks or until your next appointment.

With the clear aligners, you are keeping these things in your mouth for 22 hours a day, but you have to take them out to eat or to drink anything other than water.

This means you constantly have to carry around a case for your aligners or find some napkins to place them in every time you want to eat.

Does this seem like something you can do every day?

How Many Months/Years will I Have to wear My Invisible Teeth Aligners?



It depends on many factors such as your compliance with wearing your Aligners every day for the recommended minimum 22 hours per day as well as your compliance of changing out your new set of trays on time(usually every 2 weeks) as well as possible refinement issues.

This is one of the biggest reasons why I’m glad that I had braces instead of teeth aligners. I wore braces for about 3 years, and most teeth aligner treatments last anywhere from 6 months to 2 and 1/2 years depending on the extent of the work needed.

Is it Easier to Clean Braces Or Invisible Teeth Aligners?



I would say that you have a better chance of keeping your teeth clean and your gums healthy by wearing Teeth Aligners compared to Braces.


With these plastic Aligners, you have the option of taking your clear plastic trays out of your mouth, rinsing them with some water between meals, and brushing them with your toothbrush. There are also some products I will go over to another article.

You also don’t have anything obstructing you from flossing your gums. This is the biggest reason I’m a fan of these plastic trays compared to braces.

If you’ve ever tried to floss with a floss threader, you’ll be flossing your teeth for 30 minutes a day. In another article, I mention how you can keep your braces clean using the packers Orthopick along with a Waterpik.

Not everyone gets to choose whether you can wear Invisible aligners vs braces, but if you do, keep these things in mind before making your decision.

Whenever I see teens with braces, 8 out of 10 times I will be looking at really red and bleeding gums. At this age, it is usually just Gingivitis(bleeding gums), but if you’re an older adult considering braces, and your homecare isn’t perfect, bone loss (periodontal disease) can progress faster than normal when you’re wearing braces.

How Long Do I Have To Wear My Invisible Teeth Aligners Every Day?



You should be wearing your teeth aligners for the recommended minimum of 22 hours per day.

What’s Great About Wearing Invisible Teeth Aligners?



With Teeth aligners, you don’t have to deal with the metal brackets or ceramic brackets from braces. Metal brackets can be painful, and make it difficult to speak. With aligners, you might get a bit of a lisp when you first put them on for a week or two, but you eventually get used to it.

With Braces, you’re required to see an Orthodontist. A regular Dentist is not allowed to put on braces for you because they did not get that sort of training. What’s nice about that is not having to see a specialist which might be more expensive sometimes.

Some people prefer to see a specialist and will prefer to see an Orthodontist which makes sense.

With clear braces, some options allow you to never see a Dentist or an Orthodontist at all. They just send you the impression material to take a mold of your mouth, set up your treatment plan, and then send you your trays via mail every two weeks. Then, you’re done.

What Is A Dental Impression?



An impression is essentially a mold of your teeth structure, and most of the At Home clear Aligner Services require that you take these as the initial step.

If you watch the video below, you will see there are a series of steps that you need to take before you even do it such as brushing your teeth, mixing the putty, and washing your hands.

Example of Taking a Dental Impression For Invisible Teeth Aligners



For this example, you take a blue putty and mix it with a white putty for about 30 seconds or until the colors are blended into one smooth color. Then you have to shape the putty onto the tray and bite down onto the tray until it sets.

Before you mix your putty, you must place the tray inside your mouth just to make sure it fits. These trays come in different sizes, and you don’t want to do all that work just to find out that the trays won’t fit inside your mouth.

You will want to focus on one arch(upper or lower) at a time. These putties, once mixed, can take anywhere from 1-4.5 minutes to harden. You want to make sure you don’t bite down to the plastic trays because you can screw up the impression.

Usually, they will give you a total of four impression trays just in case you end up messing up the impression the first time. If you end up messing up the impressions both times, they will charge you (usually just shipping) for the next set of impression material.

There are usually people you can call on the phone to help you take your impressions, and there are youtube videos available such as the one below as well as zoom calls that some companies offer.

In my experiences, the hardest thing about taking my impressions are being able to get the back molars. Most people push the tray all the way up towards the front teeth, but then forget to push the trays towards the back molars.

After taking your impressions, then you will have to send these impressions back to the company along with a few photos of your mouth.



Invisible Teeth Aligner Companies Also need You to Send Photos



Usually, about six photos will be required to send to the companies, and you can find more information on the AlignerCo website.



The photos vary by the Aligner company’s, but they will need these pictures to help create a plan for straightening your teeth in the future.

Can Invisible Teeth Aligners Damage my Teeth or Jaw?



With everything we do in life, there is always a risk. Our job is to understand the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives to make our decisions.

Straightening teeth can be dangerous, whether we are using teeth aligners or Braces. We are moving teeth from one spot to another, and things can happen. For the most part, kids are usually great candidates because they don’t have any bone loss. They don’t have any Periodontal Issues or bone loss.

From their article, “Potential risks of orthodontic therapy: a critical review and conceptual framework”, M. Wishney states:


The risks of orthodontic treatment include periodontal damage, pain, root resorption, temporomandibular disorder, caries, speech problems and enamel damage.


External resorption, when your tooth root shortens, will make it easier for you to lose your teeth to Periodontal Disease in the long run.

 With Periodontal disease, the bone holding in your roots comes undone. If your tooth root shortens at the same time that the amount of bone holding your root in place dissolves, you are increasing the chance of losing teeth.

Enamel Damage can occur due to the removal of hardened glue they use to secure your braces brackets. If enamel is damaged, the underlying yellow Dentin part of the tooth may show.

Because there is glue placed on your teeth with Orthodontic treatment, it makes it difficult to clean your teeth, and can eventually lead to Enamel erosion.

This is why it’s important to rinse off your teeth aligners before and after eating.

Don’t be fooled by a company’s claim that they can move your teeth faster than any other company on the market because the most important factor is to find someone qualified with proper training to align your teeth.

Fast results can leave you with bite problems without proper Diagnosis, so some red flags with choosing these companies can be the lack of diagnostic evaluation before treatment.

When teeth are moved from one position to another, they need to be moved at a rate of bone “going away” and bone “being formed”. The bone I’m referring to is the same bone that is holding in your teeth.

Moving your teeth too fast can result in very wiggly teeth because your bone hasn’t had teeth to heel.


Candid –  Invisible teeth aligners 




Candid only use Orthodontists to work on your teeth straightening plan. The benefits of using an Orthodontist on your treatment plan is that they are specialists at straightening your teeth.

Orthodontists have 7-8 years of specialized training in straightening your teeth, which means that you will be well cared for. The orthodontist is the one working with you and creating your specialized treatment plan specifically for you.

This specialized Teledentistry company working to Straighten your teeth remotely works on a variety of orthodontic issues such as overbites, underbites, crowding, and spacing.

They offer Remote Monitoring, which means the Orthodontist that created your treatment plan will continue monitoring your progress for the length of your treatment.

Their aligners are BPA-free, stain-resistant, and phthalate-free. Candid uses high-quality PVS impressions or intraoral scans of your mouth.

They require 8 face photos, Medical and Dental History,

This company is currently working on a patent that will eliminate the need for IPR, where the Dentist has to file your teeth down along the side of the teeth to create room for your teeth to move.

They won’t take you if you have a lingual bar or any Orthodontic appliances in your mouth. You will have to go to a Dentist’s office to have it removed before you can go through the process to see if you can be a candidate for treatment.

I like how this company will not accept everyone because they are concerned most about safety. They will assess your Dental Issues, and they don’t focus on fast Results.

Candid also has a program where they donate $25 for every aligner kit that they sell to charity for fixing cleft palates.

Take a look at the amazing results that many people are experiencing on their website.



Their pricing model is very interesting.

You have the option to Pay

  • $47 Starter Kit ( Normally $97) to take your impressions and pictures.
  • one all-inclusive price of $2400
  • or
  • as low as $399 down, $99/month.
  • You can use the HSA/FSA card or use your Insurance.



Order your Candid Starter Kit


Byte Invisible teeth Aligners



The Benefits Of Byte Aligners

  • All your visits can be done from your home
  • Half the treatment time compared to competitors
  • Smile Science Advanced Aesthetic Treatment.
  • BPA-free, Tear-resistant, Stain-resistant
  • Lifetime guarantee.

Byte Corrects everything from the spacing between teeth, crowding, any rotation issues, and minor bite correction

What is the Byte Process?

  • Once you send your impression kit back to Byte using the pre-paid shipping label, the Byte Orthodontists will review your impressions.
  • Once reviewed, your Orthodontist will personally explain these results to you using a 3D model.
  • They will show you what before and after results will look like, and you can discuss any changes you might prefer with them.

If you’re not a good candidate for the Byte Clear Aligners, they will refund your Impression Kit.

  • You don’t need to accept their treatment plan at that point, but if you do, you can expect your first set of aligners to your door in 5-7 weeks.




Hyperlite cuts your treatment time in half.

Smile Science – They analyze your face proportions and symmetry of your face, and then design a smile that fits you.

Other companies will straighten your teeth, but with the magic of Smile Science, you get a smile designed to compliment your personality.

They take into account symmetry of your face, the proportion of your eyes, teeth, and lips, and create a brand new and improved look.

A board-certified orthodontist tracks your progress during the entire treatment length.

Reviews of Byte – What People are Saying



Check out BYTE results page



  • Over 1200 positive reviews
  • over 1200 reviews with 4.8 out of 5

How much Does Byte Cost

  • $83/mo. for 25 months with a $349 deposit.
  • $1,895 one-time payment.
  • Accepts HSA, FSA, CareCredit, and Split/It




Byte Invisible teeth aligners Impression Kit

  • Includes Full explanation by an Orthodontist using a 3D treatment plan ( includes projected before and after photos )
  • Use code BYTEBLOG2020 to get your impressions for $29.95 (normally $95)
  • Full Refund on Impression Kit if you are not a good candidate

Find Out if You’re a Good Candidate For Byte Aligners


Smile Direct Club Invisible teeth aligners



Take their FREE 30-second Smile Assessment



See what people are saying about going through Smile Direct Club

Payment Options For Smile Direct Club


Their claim to fame is that their price is 60% cheaper than regular braces. Whenever a company has to dramatize price, you kind of wonder why they are pushing price so hard. Do they have better access to materials compared to other Aligner companies?

They offer 2 different types of Aligners which are

  • Clear Aligners – you wear the aligners for 4-6 months for the average person, and you have to wear these aligners 22 hours per day.
  • Nighttime Clear Aligners – On average, you will wear these aligners for about 10 months, but you only have to wear these for 10 hours at a time.
  • Both Aligners are the same price and have the same payment options, and you can be helped by a Dentist or an Orthodontist with your plan


Aligner Co. Invisible teeth aligners 




Take a FREE ASSESSMENT TO SEE if you are a good fit for AlignerCo 

Benefits of AlignerCO

  • They use Orthodontists to create your plan who have very specialized knowledge to help straighten your teeth using teledentistry.
  • Cheaper option than Invisalign($5,500+), Candido($1900), SmileDirectClub ($1895)
  • Over 110 4.5 stars out of 5 stars on Trustpilot
  • Normal cases take about 6-12 months of treatment depending on what type of treatment is needed
  • Get a new set of Aligners every 2 weeks

HOW AlignerCo Works

  • To begin the process, you need to start with the “free Assessment” for Free.
  • If you are a good candidate, then you can Order an Impression Kit which is a mold of your teeth that you send back to the company.
  • Then, AlignerCo will use your impressions to create a treatment plan to help create a better smile.

After Alignco receives your teeth impressions, you can expect your new smile projection in 12-14 business days, and once you approve your smile design, you can expect your first set of invisible teeth aligners in 17-21 business days.


Invisible Teeth Aligners
Kit First Plan – $75.00

Start by paying for your impression kit. Once you send it back to AlignerCo, they will show you a preview of what your straight teeth will look like. At that point, you can buy the “SmileAdvantage” or “SmileFlex plan” to continue your smile journey.

Get a refund on your impressions if the company decides you are not a good fit for their program, so try it risk free







SmileFlex Easy – $1,320.00



An easy installment plan. No credit checks. No forms to fill out. Split your payment in affordable installments for up to 11 months.




SmileAdvantage – $1,595.00



Our most affordable, one-time payment so you can start the journey towards the smile you love.

Straight My Teeth Invisible teeth aligners






Get a Free Assessment to see if you are a good candidate for these Clear Aligners



Created in 2018, Straight My Teeth has the goal of breaking down barriers to care for people looking to straighten their teeth to anyone they can help. They are registered to help people in the UK and Ireland.

Benefits of Straight My Teeth InvisibleTeeth Aligners



Their Aligners are created with the Dentsply Sirona, and these aligners are FDA and MHRA approved.

Get a FREE WHITENING KIT when you make a one-time full payment for your set of aligners.

With the payment installments, you don’t get a Free Whitening Kit.

If you are not a good candidate for treatment once you take your impressions, you will be fully refunded for the impression kit.

These aligners are 60-70% cheaper compared to Clear Braces

If you take your impressions, send it to the lab, and they were done incorrectly, you can order another Impression kit for half the price.

It usually only takes about 9-12 months using these aligners to complete your treatment.

Process of Straight My Teeth

Step 1:


Get a Free Assessment to see if you are a good candidate for these Clear Aligners


Step 2

Kit de impresion – $55.00



Comience pagando €55.00 por su kit de impresión. Una vez que nos lo envíe, le mostraremos una vista previa de cómo se verán sus dientes rectos.

Once you take your impressions and send it back to the Straight my Teeth lab, they will send you a smile projection that will let you see what your smile will look like at the end of your treatment.


Step 3:




Un pago único – $1,140.00



Un pago único fácil y asequible para que pueda comenzar el viaje hacia la sonrisa de sus sueños entregada directamente en su puerta.

Option 2

One-Go-Zahlung – $1,140.00



Eine einfache und kostengünstige einmalige Zahlung, damit Sie die Reise zu Ihrem Traumlächeln beginnen können, das direkt vor Ihrer Haustür geliefert wird.




-Coming Soon

Smile Love 

– Currently Not accepting new orders due to Coronavirus Pandemic




Get your teeth straight in as little as 6 months. People can rarely fix what needs to be done in their mouths within this time frame because it’s important to allow teeth to shift into new positions and let new bone grow and old bone dissolve.

Many Dentists and Orthodontists have used Invisalign to correct their patient’s bite for a long time. Invisalign was founded in 1997, so they have been improving smiles for over 20 years.

Successful Clear Teeth Aligners are truly up to the patient’s level of commitment to following the orders of the Dentist/Orthodontist.

Invisalign iTero Scanner



With Invisalign, you will usually have to go into the Dental or Orthodontist office to get your impressions or they will scan your teeth using an Itero Scanner.

The iTero Scanner will scan your teeth, and people like this because they don’t have to bite into that putty impression material. Instead, this process is done usually by a Dental Assistant or the Dentist. The process can take anywhere from 2-15 minutes depending on the experience of the clinician with the machine.

You can get a free Smile Assessment if want by clicking this link, and you can compete for a chance to win free Invisalign treatment

What is Invisalign?



Wearing a clear set of aligners just like the rest of the companies, but with these, you usually have to go into a Dental Clinic, Dentist, or Orthodontist.

The reason you have to go into the Dental office to have this done is that there are clear plastic spaces on your aligners that get filled in with a cementlike material.

This material is placed into the aligner by the Dental Assistant, placed onto your teeth, and then it gets bonded to your tooth when they use a special light (light-cured onto your teeth).




These attachments are used with each set of trays you receive, and when in contact with your clear aligner trays, there is a force that is created which ends up moving your teeth.

Invisalign aligners are BPA free, FDA approved, and the trays are close to invisible.

Benefits of SmartTrack Material



This company uses a patented SmartTrack Material which is believed to be better fitting and feel better than other aligner material.

This technology is believed to move your teeth up to 50% faster compared to other aligners.

According to their website, they have

…[Invisalign has]  successfully improved over 8 million smiles, including 1.4 million teen smiles.

Take a look at the Results people are Noticing as well as what people are saying about their experiences with Invisalign


How to Clean Invisalign?

The Invisalign website recommends keeping your Aligners clean using Invisalign Cleaning Crystals.  In as little at 15 minutes, plaque can be removed. It’s important to keep these aligners clean when you take them out. If they get dirty and you put them in your mouth, you can get sick.

The website says to not put them into Hot Water.

The heated water can end up distorting the Aligners, and make your treatment ineffective.

After Invisalign’s Invisible Teeth Aligners Treatment – Vivera Retainers



You will need to wear a retainer while you sleep to keep your “improved smile”, and Invisalign recommends you to wear their Vivera Retainers.

When you first get your Vivera retainers, you will have to wear them just like your regular Invisalign retainers. You will continue wearing them for 22 hours a day. After some time, your doctor will let you know when it’s safe for you to wear these retainers just at night.

Benefits of Vivera Retainers after Invisalign’s Invisible Teeth Aligners



Because these retainers are 30% stronger than other retainers, they are more likely to outlast other clear retainers.

After taking a new impression or scan of your new smile, these retainers can be custom made for you. And don’t forget, these must be worn every night for the rest of your life.

Invisalign will even give you an extra set of Invisalign Vivera Retainers for FREE when you purchase these.

If you end up losing your Retainers, you can work together with your  Dentist to get a brand new set of Vivera Retainers. There is most likely going to be a cost associated with this.

Invisalign Invisible Teeth Aligner Cases:



With an assortment of designs, colors, and features, you will be able to go places in style. These cases provide a great place for you aligners when you’re eating, drinking coffee, etc. Take them to the movies, on vacation, stuff them in your backpack, purse, pocket. You can even just leave them on the table.

Just be careful if you don’t secure these cases on you. So many times, people just forget their retainers and their case somewhere. I would recommend getting a couple of different cases. This way you can store your Invisalign retainers or Clear teeth aligners where you know they should be.

Some tips for not leaving them anywhere is to remember the phrases:

Teen/Adult Boys/Men: Keys, Wallet, Cell phone, Invisalign Aligner Tray



Teen/Adult Girls/Women: Keys, Purse, Cell Phone, Invisalign Teeth Tray






  • These modern cases keep your Invisalign aligners and retainers secure where ever you go. Don’t just stuff your retainers into a napkin
  • Closes with magnets
  • Minimal noise when rattled
  • Includes a black satin bag for carrying essentials.
  • (Aligners not included)

Clear Correct 



Comin soon

Uniform Teeth 



-coming soon







What is Invisalign?

Wearing a clear set of aligners just like the rest of the companies, but with these, you usually have to go into a Dental Clinic, Dentist, or Orthodontist. The reason you have to go into the Dental office to have this done is that there are clear plastic spaces on your aligners that get filled in with a cementlike material. This material is placed into the aligner by the Dental Assistant, placed onto your teeth, and then it gets bonded to your tooth when they use a special light


These attachments are used with each set of trays you receive, and when in contact with your clear aligner trays, there is a force that is created which ends up moving your teeth. Invisalign aligners are BPA free, FDA approved, and the trays are close to invisible

What are the Benefits of SmartTrack Material?

This company uses a patented SmartTrack Material which is believed to be better fitting and feel better than other aligner material. This technology is believed to move your teeth up to 50% faster compared to other aligners. According to their website, they have successfully improved over 8 million smiles, including 1.4 million teen smiles. Take a look at the Results people are Noticing as well as what people are saying about their experiences with Invisalign

How do you Clean Invisalign?

The Invisalign website recommends keeping your Aligners clean using Invisalign Cleaning Crystals. In as little at 15 minutes, plaque can be removed. It's important to keep these aligners clean when you take them out. If they get dirty and you put them in your mouth, you can get sick. The website says to not put them into Hot Water. The heated water can end up distorting the Aligners, and make your treatment ineffective

What are Vivera Retainers

You will need to wear a retainer while you sleep to keep your improved smile, and Invisalign recommends you to wear them. When you first get your Vivera retainers, you will have to wear them just like your regular Invisalign retainers. You will continue wearing them for 22 hours a day. After some time, your doctor will let you know when it's safe for you to wear these retainers just at night

What are the Benefits of Vivera Retainers after Invisalign's Invisible Teeth Aligners?

Because these retainers are 30% stronger than other retainers, they are more likely to outlast other clear retainers. After taking a new impression or scan of your new smile, these retainers can be custom made for you. And don't forget, these must be worn every night for the rest of your life. Invisalign will even give you an extra set of Invisalign Vivera Retainers for FREE when you purchase these. If you end up losing your Retainers, you can work together with your Dentist to get a brand new set of Vivera Retainers. There is most likely going to be a cost associated with this.



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