Flossing is tough, especially for kids under 10. Then, when they get braces they have to use a floss threader, which makes things even tougher. Floss picks make your life easier whether you’re a kid or an adult.
You don’t have to get your fingers wet with your saliva, either. For some people, it’s tough to wrap their fingers around the floss, and for others, it’s being grossed out by the blood from flossing.
Some people don’t feel like they have time to floss ever. No one wants to pull out floss after lunch and get their hands messy when they just went on the bus or are in public.
It’s really just not socially acceptable or sanitary to wrap your fingers with floss and cleaning your teeth at a restaurant or on your lunch when you’re with friends. Regular flossing is also time-consuming.
Floss picks are great because you can travel with them, and they are easy to use. They are great for keeping your fingers clean because you don’t have to wrap them around your fingers.
The one limitation with floss picks that you will hear about it how they can not get as much of a C-shape that’s needed for cleaning.
The ADA has given floss picks their seal of approval, which has been published in 2018. This means that floss picks are now recognized by Dentists to be safe, effective when it comes to helping patients reduce signs of inflammation.
The Following Floss picks have received the ADA seal of approval.
In order for a product to get the ADA seal of approval, they must demonstrate their effectiveness in a scientific lab where they conduct tests and trials. In an ADA approved lab, products get tested against other ADA approved products for effectiveness.
Floss Picks Versus Toothpicks
Floss picks are usually made of plastic and are usually disposable. They contain floss between 2 plastic edges. One end is either sharp or rounded. If it is sharp, then it’s usually for using similar to a toothpick.
With this sharper edge, you can use it at a 90-degree angle to trace the gum line with a delicate touch just like a toothpick. If you don’t have steady hands, it’s very possible for you to poke yourself and it can be painful.
Both Floss picks and toothpicks are great for remove plaque or food particles between your teeth. With toothpicks, make sure to wet the end with your saliva before using it to make it somewhat less sharp.
Floss Picks Vs WaterPik
Because both products end with the word “pik” or “pick”, there tends to be some confusion. Waterpik is the same as a water flosser.
The Waterpik shoots water towards the plaque near your gum line, and does not contain any floss or anything similar to a Floss Pick or toothpick.
Waterpiks are great for people with deeper pockets or for people with braces because it helps remove food particles between teeth. There is much debate about whether waterpiks actually clean plaque off teeth, but there are ADA-approved Waterpiks, which means they’re safe and effective.
In 2017, Waterpiks were given the ADA seal of Approval for actually being safe to use as well as removing plaque and decreasing inflammation(gingivitis).
For more information on Waterpiks: Best Dental Floss Guide 2020
DenTek Comfort Clean Floss Picks, Silky Comfort Floss
This flosser floss pick really helps for those with sensitive gums as well as tight teeth. If you’re looking for a floss pick specifically for your back teeth, don’t get it confused with the “Dentek Comfort Clean Floss picks for back teeth“. This floss is silky smooth, so it can easily glide between tight teeth.
This floss pick uses a tape type floss as opposed to the Dentek Triple clean Flosser which uses Ultra Silky floss. Both are great for tight teeth. Both have a fluoride coating on the floss, which helps slide between the teeth and get under your gums.
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DenTek Comfort Clean Easy Reach Floss Picks FOR YOUR BACK TEETH
This floss pick is great for people with large hands or small hands or anyone that just can’t reach their back teeth. If you don’t like using regular floss or you’re just not able to reach your back teeth with regular floss, then this will help you reach those far back molars.
These flosser floss picks are Y-shaped so there is an equal amount of force and it makes a comfortable angle to reach back teeth. It has a minty flavor, ADA accepted, and also uses Taped floss.
This floss has over 1000 reviews on Amazon and a cumulative score of over 4 stars which makes this a great option.
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DenTek Fresh Clean Floss Picks | Silky Comfort Floss
This mint flavored and textured floss pick has an extremely comfortable green handle, which makes flossing on the go really fun. It contains an ultra-silky floss tape that easily slides through tight teeth.
The textured Floss pick handle makes it a great option for those who don’t like the floss picks that are constantly sliding between their fingers. One floss pick is about 3 inches long.
On Amazon, this floss pick has over 2,000 ratings and an average rating of over 4 stars.
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Dentek Triple Clean Picks
This Floss Pick is known to be great for getting between tight teeth because of its super-strong floss. Their strong floss is also guaranteed not to break on you. The floss is fluoride coated, which means that you’re getting the fluoride between your teeth. Bacteria that cause cavities love to hide between your teeth because these areas usually don’t get flossed/cleaned often.
While the fluoride will help strengthen your teeth and decrease your chances of getting cavities, the action of flossing with the floss pick will help remove the plaque.
Read my Review: PRO’s and CONS about the Dentek Triple Clean Picks
DenTek Complete Clean Floss Picks
Don’t get this Floss picks Confused with the DenTek Comfort Clean Easy Reach Floss Picks FOR YOUR BACK TEETH. This floss is great for your back teeth as well. This floss has string floss. The Dentek Comfort clean floss pick has tape type floss.
The main difference between these two floss picks is not with the type of floss or the ability to make it easy to reach your back teeth.
With these floss picks, they have the string type floss as opposed to the tape type floss found in most other flosses above. Some people prefer the string type floss because they believe that it can remove more gunk. It’s true that it does, and for teeth that have a little more space between them, this is a great option.
The main difference comes in the straight edge handle. The tip of this handle has a tapered end that you can use just like the gum soft picks. It’s a great feature that adds more benefit to you in addition to flossing.
Similar Interesting Article: Which PLACKERS Dental FLOSS PICKS should you use?
DenTek Kids Fun Flossers Wild Fruit
This Floss pick offers parents a safe (ADA Approved), convenient, fun flavors ( Wild fruit flavored ) product to help their kids start flossing at an early age. It’s tough to be there flossing your kid’s teeth every night, but this offers a great solution for kids that want to learn.
The small flosser works well for kid’s tiny hands because it contains a wide handle which makes it easy to grip.
IT’s best you show them how to use these Flossers first in front of a mirror, and then supervise them as they are using them. Kids should not be allowed to run around with these in their mouths because they can fall and hurt themselves.
These floss picks come in some fun colors, and have a fun little design on them.
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Are floss picks better than floss?
Floss picks are great, and they are ADA approved. With regular floss you are able to wrap the floss around the tooth, and this means you can get deeper under the gums without injuring your gums. This does make regular floss the more ideal choice compared to floss picks. But, many people just can not floss due to various reasons. some people don't like to floss, some have large hands, some don't have the manual dexterity.
Can floss picks be reused?
It's not the best idea to reuse floss picks because there is bacteria on the floss that you use the first time. Reintroducing that bacteria between your teeth at a later time allows the bacteria to grow into a super bacteria.
Do dentists recommend floss picks?
Floss picks are ADA approved so they are safe and effective for use. Although they are not superior to regular floss due to a multitude of reasons, they help those that can not floss with regular floss.
Can a toothpick replace flossing?
Toothpicks are a great tool to remove plaque and bacteria, but they should not replace your normal flossing routine. Floss is able to reach areas that toothpicks can not, such as the back of most people's back molars.
Is it bad to floss twice a day?
No, but if you are flossing 2x a day incorrectly, this is not good for you as you can traumatize your gums.