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Fun Dental Facts For Adults

Here for some “Fun Dental Facts For Adults”? You have come to the right place. We will discuss random fun Dental Facts for different subjects, which include Toothbrushing and toothbrushes, Cavities, Toothpaste, whitening, Halitosis, and even random facts about animal teeth that you don’t want to miss!

If you have some fun/random Dental facts, feel free to leave it in the comments below.

FUN Dental Facts For Adults About Toothbrushes and toothbrushing

Fun dental facts for adults about toothbrushing

  • The first toothbrush was invented in China (1498), and the bristles were made out of Boar’s hairs and the handle was made out of bamboo. ( Read more here )
  • Boar Bristle toothbrushes were used until 1938. (read more here)
  • Over 25% of adults do NOT brush their teeth 2 times a day
  • The average person spends 28 days of their life brushing their teeth.
  • 40% of Americans don’t know when to replace their toothbrush/ toothbrush head according to Oprah. ( Read more here )
  • Your toothbrush head should be no longer than 2 of your molars.
  • You should only use soft or extra-soft toothbrush bristles, never medium or hard, because you can brush away your gums. ( Read more here )
  • You can transfer cold sores, colds by sharing your toothbrush with someone.

Random Dental Facts About Teeth Whitening

  • Ancient Romans used urine to whiten their teeth. It was the ammonia within the urine that helped to whiten their teeth
  • Charcoal in the charcoal whitening toothpaste can be abrasive enough to damage your enamel and make you more susceptible to tooth sensitivity. Read more here
  • Everyday use of Charcoal toothpaste can cause tooth sensitivity

FUN Dental Facts For Adults 

  • Enamel is the hardest structure in the human body
  • Humans get 32 teeth within their lifetime
  • Molars come out every 6 years. 1st molar = 6 years old; 2nd molar = 12 years old and wisdom teeth = approx. 18 years old.
  • Did you know that it takes only 17 muscles to smile?
  • And It takes 43 muscles to frown!
  • It only takes 48 hours for plaque bacteria to harden, and it can only be removed in a dental office
  • When your Dental office says you need deep cleaning, it means the bacteria under your gums are destroying the bone that is holding in your teeth.
  • Bleeding gums is the number 1 sign of gingivitis
  • More people prefer blue toothpaste compared to red toothpaste.
  • Women smile on average 8x more than men per day
  • Philips Sonicare gives you 90 days to try out one of their toothbrushes and offers a  refund if you don’t like the toothbrush. ( Restrictions Apply )
  • Brushing your teeth directly after drinking soda or something acidic can damage your enamel. ( Read more about Demineralization )
  • Did you know that when you flush your toilet with the lid on, the aerosols can travel 6 feet? So keep your toothbrushes covered!
  • 65% of Americans over 30 years old have some stage of Periodontal Disease.
  • You can use a toothpick to remove dental plaque from your teeth.
  • Flossing your teeth can increase your life expectancy
  • According to Harvard, people with gum disease are 2-3x more likely to have a heart attack or stroke ( Read more here )
  • You should replace your toothbrush after being sick because you can end up re-infecting yourself.
  • According to, 1 in 4 people in Britain would share their toothbrush with a loved one. ( Read more here )
  • According to NCBI, Your teeth contain stem cells, so scientists are trying to figure out a way to re-grow teeth.

Dental Facts About Cavities

Fun Dental Facts For Adults About Halitosis

  • According to Medical News Today, “It is estimated that 1 in 4 people have bad breath regularly. Halitosis is the third most common reason that people seek dental care, after tooth decay and gum disease.”
  • More than 10 Billion dollars is spent each year by Americans to combat bad breath (Read more here )
  • According to bad breath, “Bad breath sufferers are 60% more likely to suffer from stress than non-sufferers. 57% of bad breath sufferers report feelings of depression because of their problem.”
  • Bad Breath can happen from dry mouth, bacteria, medical conditions, food, Periodontal disease, and cavities.
  • According to NCBI, “the source of 90%[of bad breath] cases is [comes from]…  poor oral hygiene, periodontal disease, tongue coat, food impaction, unclean dentures, faulty restorations, oral carcinomas, and throat infections.”
  • According to NCBI, “more than 50% of the general population have halitosis.”
  • Chewing gum helps decrease halitosis by stimulating saliva flow.
  • Halitophobia and pseudohalitosis both mean the phobia or fear of having bad breath when they don’t have bad breath at all.
  • Want to learn how to use a tongue cleaner? (Check out this article on how to use a tongue cleaner)

 Facts For those that Smoke

Fun Dental Facts for Adults that smoke

  • Smokers are 2x more likely to lose their teeth compared to non-smokers
  • According to the Academy of General Dentistry, women who smoke will lose an average of 1.5 teeth per decade, and men will lose an average of 2.9 teeth per decade
  • Because tobacco constricts the blood flow to the teeth, gums as well as supporting periodontal tissues, a smoker’s mouth receives fewer nutrients supplied to their supporting tissues such as gums, periodontium, and teeth. This low blood supply increases the likeliness of cavities and Periodontal disease.
  • According to JADA, smokers have similar rates of tooth loss to cigarette smokers.
  • According to, approximately 480,000 deaths are due to cigarette smoking.
  • states, “over 4.5 trillion cigarette butts end up filling our landfills every single year.”
  • Smokeless tobacco has added sugar for flavor enhancers, which increases the likelihood of cavities. ( Read more here )
  • Did you know that Smokeless tobacco users are 4x more likely to develop cavities compared to non-Smokeless tobacco users? ( Read more here )

Amazing Dental Facts For Adults About Animal Teeth

Fun Dental Facts For Adults

  • Sharks continually shed their teeth, and some sharks can have up to 35,000 teeth in their lifetime. ( read more )
  • Snails have 25,000 teeth in their mouths
  • Crocodiles have 80 teeth
  • When a crocodile loses one tooth, it will grow another tooth.
  • Dogs develop dental plaque and calculus and should get their teeth cleaned as well. But make sure to go to your vet, and not your Dentist. HAHA
  • Most animals don’t get cavities since their diets don’t contain high amounts of sugar like human diets.
  • Mosquitos have 47 teeth
  • Cows and Sheep use their lips to cut their teeth, and they don’t have incisor teeth.
  • You can find out a dolphin’s age by counting the rings on their teeth.
  • Elephant tusks are considered their teeth and grow for an elephant’s entire life according to Wikipedia. ( Read here )


Where was The first toothbrush was invented?

The first toothbrush was invented in China in the year 1498), and the bristles were made out of Boar's hairs and the handle was made out of bamboo.

How long do Humans Brush their teeth for over their LIFETIME?

The average person spends 28 days of their life brushing their teeth.

Should I use a toothbrush with hard bristles or soft bristles?

You should only use soft or extra-soft toothbrush bristles, never medium or hard, because you can brush away your gums.

Can I share my toothbrush with someone I know?

You can transfer cold sores, colds by sharing your toothbrush with someone.

How did Ancient Roman's Whiten their teeth?

Ancient Romans used urine to whiten their teeth. It was the ammonia within the urine that helped to whiten their teeth

Is it safe to whiten my teeth with Charcoal?

Charcoal in the charcoal whitening toothpaste can be abrasive enough to damage your enamel and make you more susceptible to tooth sensitivity

What is the hardest structure in the Human Body?

Enamel is the hardest structure in the human body

How many Adult teeth do humans normally get?

Humans get 32 teeth within their lifetime

Is it true that you get a new molar every 6 years?

Molars come out every 6 years. 1st molar = 6 years old; 2nd molar = 12 years old and wisdom teeth = approx. 18 years old.

How many muscles do you use to smile vs frown?

Did you know that it takes only 17 muscles to smile? And It takes 43 muscles to frown!

How long does it take for Calculus to form on my teeth?

It only takes 48 hours for plaque bacteria to harden, and it can only be removed in a dental office

What is the number one sign of gingivitis?

Bleeding gums is the number 1 sign of gingivitis

Can I brush away my enamel ?

Yes, you can! Brushing your teeth directly after drinking soda or something acidic can damage your enamel.

Are toothpicks good for my teeth?

You can use a toothpick to remove dental plaque from your teeth.

Should I replace my toothbrush after getting sick? Why?

You should replace your toothbrush after being sick because you can end up re-infecting yourself.

Does Fluoride Varnish help prevent Cavities?

According to the CDC, Fluoride varnish prevents almost 40 percent of cavities in primary teeth

Does dry mouth put me at a higher risk of getting Cavities?

Yes, Dry mouth puts you at a higher risk of getting cavities. Bad Breath can happen from dry mouth, bacteria, medical conditions, food, Periodontal disease, and cavities.

How does gum help with Bad breath?

Chewing gum helps decrease halitosis by stimulating saliva flow. Be sure to stay away from gum with natural sugar because that can put you at risk for cavities.

What is pseudo-halitosis?

Halitophobia and Pseudo-halitosis both mean the phobia or fear of having bad breath when they don't have bad breath at all.

Why does smoking increase a persons chances of getting Cavities and Periodontal Disease?

Because tobacco constricts the blood flow to the teeth, gums as well as supporting periodontal tissues, a smoker's mouth receives fewer nutrients supplied to their supporting tissues such as gums, periodontium, and teeth. This low blood supply increases the likeliness of cavities and Periodontal disease.

Is smokeless tobacco Safe for my Dental Health?

Did you know that Smokeless tobacco users are 4x more likely to develop cavities compared to non-Smokeless tobacco users?

Can humans regrow their teeth?


How many teeth do Sharks have in their lifetime?

Sharks continually shed their teeth, and some sharks can have up to 35,000 teeth in their lifetime.

Does my dog need a Dental Cleaning?

Dogs develop dental plaque and calculus and should get their teeth cleaned as well. But make sure to go to your vet, and not your Dentist.

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