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How many baby teeth do you lose ?

How many baby teeth do you lose?

20 baby teeth are usually lost

Generally, the rule of thumb is that you will lose all the baby teeth that erupt into your mouth.  Normally, there will be 20 baby teeth that come in, and your baby will lose 20 baby teeth.

Baby teeth usually start erupting into your baby’s mouth at around 6 months and the eruption process is usually complete around two or three years old.

Many children are different in the timing of their eruption, so don’t get worried if you don’t see any teeth until a year or so.

One year old is a great time to get your child into the dental office to get their first check up



How many baby teeth do you lose?
How many baby teeth do you lose?

“Pulling Baby Teeth 2-13-08 IMG_6294”

by Steven Depolo is licensed under CC BY 2.0

When do permanent teeth erupt into the mouth?

An easy way to remember this, but doesn’t have to happen exactly is :

  1. 6 years old – 1st molars come in
  2.  12 years old – 2nd molars come in
  3.  18 years old – 3rd molars come in

Every 6 years or so, a new set of molars will appear in your child’s mouth, and if they don’t come in at 6, don’t get worried. Some kids will get their first molars at 3 or 4 and some might get them at 8 or 10. It’s important to get your kids into the dental office to get X-rays to check to make sure their molars and teeth are forming.  The DDS can let you know what teeth are coming in, and what you should do if they are not coming in.

Are there exceptions to How many baby teeth do you lose?

Of course, there are exceptions. Some people will not have a permanent tooth that will replace the baby tooth that is coming in.

There are many people that have baby teeth that have no problems staying in the mouth for a person’s entire life. This usually happens when someone does not have a permanent tooth come into the mouth.

But, in general, you are born with 20 baby teeth, and you will lose 20 baby teeth.

Normally, 20 baby teeth will be replaced with 20 adult-sized teeth, plus another 12 adult teeth totaling 32 permanent teeth.

Because most people’s mouths are not large enough to contain 32 adult teeth, their wisdom teeth are removed.

For those individuals that have large teeth and small-mouths, sometimes their Orthodontist will remove 4 of their pre-molars plus 4 wisdom teeth leaving them with 24 teeth total.

The reason this happens is that removing these teeth will usually help keep their teeth clean and healthy.


A great resource you can find is a tooth eruption chart for baby teeth and adult teeth.

For information regarding braces, you can check out The American Association of OrthoDontists.

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How many baby teeth do you lose?

20 baby teeth are usually lost Generally, the rule of thumb is that you will lose all the baby teeth that erupt into your mouth. Normally, there will be 20 baby teeth that come in, and your baby will lose 20 baby teeth.

When do Baby's teeth start Erupting?

Baby teeth usually start erupting into your baby's mouth at around 6 months and the eruption process is usually complete around two or three years old.

When Should my baby get their first Dental Check Up?

One year old is a great time to get your child into the dental office to get their first checkup

When do permanent teeth erupt into the mouth?

Every 6 years or so, a new set of molars will appear in your child's mouth, and if they don't come in at 6, don't get worried. Some kids will get their first molars at 3 or 4 and some might get them at 8 or 10. It's important to get your kids into the dental office to get Xrays to check to make sure their molars and teeth are forming. The DDS can let you know what teeth are coming in, and what you should do if they are not coming in.

Are there exceptions to How many baby teeth do you lose?

there are exceptions. Some people will not have a permanent tooth that will replace the baby tooth that is coming in. There are many people that have baby teeth that have no problems staying in the mouth for a person's entire life. This usually happens when someone does not have a permanent tooth come into the mouth. But, in general, you are born with 20 baby teeth, and you will lose 20 baby teeth.

20 baby teeth will be replaced with how many adult sized teeth?

Normally, 20 baby teeth will be replaced with 20 adult-sized teeth, plus another 12 adult teeth totaling 32 permanent teeth.

Why do people remove their Wisdom Teeth?

Because most people's mouths are not large enough to contain 32 adult teeth, their wisdom teeth are removed. For those individuals that have large teeth and small-mouths, sometimes their Orthodontist will remove 4 of their pre-molars plus 4 wisdom teeth leaving them with 24 teeth total.

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