The number 1 best way on how to fix bad breath is to make sure that you are visiting your Dentist and Dental Hygienist at least every six months at a minimum.
Get Regular Dental Cleanings
Please don’t be one of those annoying people that go to the Dentist for cleanings every 3 months just because you refuse to floss your teeth for the rest of the time. You will lose bone that’s holding in your teeth, your gums will bleed, and this tactic is not How To Fix Bad Breath. For information on what Periodontal disease is, check out this article.
Brushing and Flossing can only remove up to 60-70% of the plaque bacteria in your mouth every six months, so it’s extremely important to get everything removed by visiting your Dental Office.
2. Brushing at least two times per Day
Brushing your teeth regularly will stop the bacteria plaque from calcifying and turning in a white, yellow or black substance called Tartar or Calculus.
Electric toothbrushes do work best for cleaning your teeth compared to manual brushes. Proper brushing is super important because plaque likes to hide under the gums, and this can create a bad smell if food gets stuck here.
For information on proper brushing technique, watch this video.
Some people say they have no time to go out and buy their toothbrush and floss, but there are toothbrush subscription services such as Quip and Boka.
It’s also important that you change out your toothbrush at least every 3 months because the bristles can fray and cause trauma to your gum tissue, so toothbrush subscription services like Quip work great for people with busy schedules.
3. Floss at least one-time per day
The string floss is best for getting rid of the bacteria between your teeth, but some people don’t like to use it. If you only brush your teeth, you are only cleaning the outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, but you are not cleaning in between your teeth.
This leftover food will cause a horrible smell inside your mouth because this will create an acidic environment due to the destruction of bone holding in your teeth. This can cause bleeding gums, pus, infection of the mouth, etc.
The plaque between your teeth only needs 48-72 hours to turn into Calculus, which is a sheet of calcified plaque that allows more plaque to live on top of it.
If you don’t like to use string floss, you can even use Dental Floss Picks.
Whether you’re wearing braces, have a busy lifestyle, don’t have room in your medicine cabinet, etc, now you don’t have an excuse for not flossing. With these Dental Floss picks, you will be able to floss “on the go”.
4. Rinse your mouth with Mouthwash every time you brush your teeth – How To Fix Bad Breath
Try to stay away from mouthwash that has alcohol because this can cause your mouth to become dry and eventually create an acidic environment that can cause cavities. Cavities will never help you fix bad breath.
Be sure to use a mouthwash that is ADA approved, but does not contain alcohol.
2 Alcohol-free product recommended by the ADA on “How To Fix Bad Breath” are:
TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse (Mild Mint, Invigorating Icy Mint, Rainforest Mint)
- No alcohol
- Doesn’t burn your mouth or teeth
- Kills bad breath for 12 hours or longer
- How to use: Rinse with one capful for 1 minute. Then gargle with another capful for another 30 seconds to clean throat. Don’t eat for 5 minutes.
- Use morning and night.
5. Tongue Scraping is How To Fix Bad Breath
Your tongue is a major source of plaque build-up, and when you see white stuff on top of it, it’s because you are not scraping that layer of plaque off of it.
If you see a film of white, brown, yellow or black, you may need to clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.
For more information on what you may be seeing on your tongue, and How To Fix Bad Breath, check out this article as well as speak with your Dental /Medical health professional for more information.
6. Stop Smoking
Smoking makes every smell bad, but it isn’t doing you any favors if you’re having trouble with how To Fix Bad Breath. Smoking will make your clothes smell, your car smell, your house, and it also dries out your mouth.
Because smoking dries out your mouth, it makes you more susceptible to cavities and tooth loss. Both of these issues can cause bad breath.
Smoking will also turn your tongue brown or black from the tar inside of the cigarette/cigar.
If you need resources for quitting tobacco use, refer to the website below.
7. Chew Sugar-Free Gum or Gum with Xylitol, and Drink Water Regularly – Don’t Let your mouth get dry.
Spry Fresh Natural Xylitol Chewing Gum Dental Defense System Aspartame-Free Sugar Free Gum (Peppermint, 100 Count – Pack of 2)
Xylitol is fake sugar that Sugar bugs can not digest. Sugar bugs that try to digest Xylitol will die trying to metabolize Xylitol, which can help protect you from cavities.
Gum is great for fixing bad breath because a lot of times bad breath is caused by dry mouth. Bacteria ends up sitting in your mouth on your tongue, tooth, gums, lips, throat, etc, so chewing sugar-free gum helps stimulate saliva within your mouth.
When saliva is stimulated within your mouth, it washes away bacteria from your lips, vestibule, cheeks.
If bacteria are just sitting in your mouth, and not being washed away, the PH in your mouth will go down, causing a more acidic environment which will make you more susceptible to getting cavities.
Water and Sugar-Free Gum will help bring that PH in your mouth back to neutral, which will help protect your teeth from cavities and wash away those odor-producing plaque organisms.
10. Stop Drinking Coffee
Because coffee is acidic and sulfuric, Coffee has the power to cause bad breath by dehydrating you allowing bacteria to stick around longer.
If it’s impossible for you to stop drinking coffee, like it is for me, try drinking water regularly throughout the day to combat the dehydrating effects of coffee.
There is research that yogurt can help decrease the number of bacteria left in your mouth.
In their article “Yogurt: An Antidote to Bad Breath?”, they say that “Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, may have a beneficial effect on odor-causing bacteria in the mouth”.
Because coffee has caffeine, it can cause you to become more jittery and stressed, which dries out the mouth even more.
11. Stay Away from foods that can make your Breath Smell
Foods like garlic, onions, dairy, tuna, horseradish can cause bad breath to linger for hours.
Garlic and Onions are loaded with sulfur, and this sulfur gas is released when garlic chewed in their raw, non-cooked form. The sulfur from the garlic also gets ingested into the bloodstream and then ends up coming out from your mouth a second time. Not only this, but the garlic scent will end up coming out of your pores.
Although garlic and onions cause bad breath, they are good for your health.
Apples can combat the bad breath effects of garlic.
12. Eat foods that can make your Breath Smell Good.
- This helps to move “loose” bacteria out of the mouth. Water alone will not cure bad breath. You will still need to brush, floss and use mouth rinse
green tea – ( an antioxidant as well )
- Studies show that green tea can inhibit cancer growth and help reduce bad breath
- We call it “The Natural miracle” because of the 6-gingerol compound it contains, which helps trigger an enzyme in our own saliva, that helps break down sulfur bacteria.
raw fruits and veggies – ex. apples, pears, carrots, celery.
- Because fruits and veggies are tougher to eat, these foods can act as a natural toothbrush by scraping against your teeth removing bacterial plaque.
Sugar-free yogurt
– Web MD article says that “eating 6 ounces of yogurt a day reduced levels of odor-causing compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide, in the mouth.”
Parsley and basil
- Cherries use polyphenols and Chlorophyl which both act as natural cures for bad breath, by removing methyl mercaptan( one gas that causes bad breath )
See your Doctor / Dentist – The source can be coming from inside your body.
If the above resources fail to help with the bad breath, please consult your Doctor because many different things are going on within your body that can be causing bad breath.
Certain body ailments can cause bad breath including, but not limited to:
- Infections in the lungs,
- sinuses or airways can also cause bad breath
- Post-Nasal Drip
- respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis
- chronic sinus infections,
- postnasal drip,
- diabetes,
- chronic acid reflux,
- liver or kidney problems
Please let us know what has worked well for you with Fixing bad breath.
What is The Number 1 best way on how to fix bad breath?
The number 1 best way on how to fix bad breath is to make sure that you are visiting your Dentist and Dental Hygienist at least every six months at a minimum.
Does Brushing and flossing clean all the plaque off my teeth?
Brushing and Flossing can only remove up to 60-70% of the plaque bacteria in your mouth every six months, so it's extremely important to get everything removed by visiting your Dental Office.
Why do we need to brush our teeth twice a day to help fix bad breath? to keep
Brushing your teeth regularly will stop the bacteria plaque from calcifying and turning in a white, yellow or black substance called Tartar or Calculus. Electric toothbrushes do work best for cleaning your teeth compared to manual brushes. Proper brushing is super important because plaque likes to hide under the gums, and this can create a bad smell if food gets stuck here.
How often should I Floss to help fix my bad breath?
Floss at least 1x per day. The string floss is best for getting rid of the bacteria between your teeth, but some people don't like to use it. If you only brush your teeth, you are only cleaning the outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, but you are not cleaning in between your teeth. This leftover food will cause a horrible smell inside your mouth because this will create an acidic environment due to the destruction of bone holding in your teeth. This can cause bleeding gums, pus, infection of the mouth, etc. The plaque between your teeth only needs 48-72 hours to turn into Calculus, which is a sheet of calcified plaque that allows more plaque to live on top of it.
What should I avoid when choosing a mouthwash for Bad Breath?
Try to stay away from mouthwash that has alcohol because this can cause your mouth to become dry and eventually create an acidic environment that can cause cavities. Cavities will never help you fix bad breath.
How does Tongue Scraping help fix bad breath
Your tongue is a major source of plaque build-up, and when you see white stuff on top of it, it's because you are not scraping that layer of plaque off of it. If you see a film of white, brown, yellow or black, you may need to clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.
Does Smoking Cause bad breath?
dries out your mouth. Because smoking dries out your mouth, it makes you more susceptible to cavities and tooth loss. Both of these issues can cause bad breath. Smoking will also turn your tongue brown or black from the tar inside of the cigarette/cigar.
How does drinking water regularly help fix bad breath?
If bacteria are just sitting in your mouth, and not being washed away, the PH in your mouth will go down, causing a more acidic environment which will make you more susceptible to getting cavities.
What is Xylitol Sugar-free Gum?
Xylitol is fake sugar that Sugar bugs can not digest. Sugar bugs that try to digest Xylitol will die trying to metabolize Xylitol, which can help protect you from cavities.
How does Xylitol Sugar Free Gum help me Fix bad breath?
Xylitol is fake sugar that Sugar bugs can not digest. Sugar bugs that try to digest Xylitol will die trying to metabolize Xylitol, which can help protect you from cavities. Gum is great for fixing bad breath because a lot of times bad breath is caused by dry mouth. Bacteria ends up sitting in your mouth on your tongue, tooth, gums, lips, throat, etc, so chewing sugar-free gum helps stimulate saliva within your mouth. When saliva is stimulated within your mouth, it washes away bacteria from your lips, vestibule, cheeks. If bacteria are just sitting in your mouth, and not being washed away, the PH in your mouth will go down, causing a more acidic environment which will make you more susceptible to getting cavities. Water and Sugar-Free Gum will help bring that PH in your mouth back to neutral, which will help protect your teeth from cavities and wash away those odor-producing plaque organisms.
Why does coffee cause bad breath?
Because coffee is acidic and sulfuric, Coffee has the power to cause bad breath by dehydrating you allowing bacteria to stick around longer.
If I can not stop drinking coffee, how can I cure my bad breath?
If it is impossible for you to stop drinking coffee, like it is for me, try drinking water regularly throughout the day to combat the dehydrating effects of coffee. There is research that yogurt can help decrease the number of bacteria left in your mouth. In their article Yogurt: An Antidote to Bad Breath?, they say that Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, may have a beneficial effect on odor-causing bacteria in the mouth. Because coffee has caffeine, it can cause you to become more jittery and stressed, which dries out the mouth even more.
What types of foods cause bad breath?
Foods like garlic, onions, dairy, tuna, horseradish can cause bad breath to linger for hours. Garlic and Onions are loaded with sulfur, and this sulfur gas is released when garlic chewed in their raw, non-cooked form. The sulfur from the garlic also gets ingested into the bloodstream and then ends up coming out from your mouth a second time. Not only this, but the garlic scent will end up coming out of your pores. Although garlic and onions cause bad breath, they are good for your health. Apples can combat the bad breath effects of garlic.
Which foods make your Breath Smell Good?
Parsley, basil and Cherries. Cherries use polyphenols and Chlorophyll which both act as natural cures for bad breath, by removing methyl mercaptan, one gas that causes bad breath, water This helps to move loose bacteria out of the mouth. Water alone will not cure bad breath. You will still need to brush, floss and use mouth rinse green tea , an antioxidant as well. Studies show that green tea can inhibit cancer growth and help reduce bad breath ginger We call it, The Natural miracle, because of the 6gingerol compound it contains, which helps trigger an enzyme in our own saliva, that helps break down sulfur bacteria. raw fruits and veggies. Examples include apples, pears, carrots, celery.
What Body Ailments can cause bad breath?
Certain body ailments can cause bad breath including, but not limited to: Infections in the lungs, sinuses or airways can also cause bad breath Post-Nasal Drip respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, liver or kidney problems