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How To Fix Bad Breath

The number 1 best way on how to fix bad breath is to make sure that you are visiting your Dentist and Dental Hygienist at least every six months at a minimum.

  1. Get Regular Dental Cleanings 

Please don’t be one of those annoying people that go to the Dentist for cleanings every 3 months just because you refuse to floss your teeth for the rest of the time. You will lose bone that’s holding in your teeth, your gums will bleed, and this tactic is not How To Fix Bad Breath. For information on what Periodontal disease is, check out this article.

Brushing and Flossing can only remove up to 60-70% of the plaque bacteria in your mouth every six months, so it’s extremely important to get everything removed by visiting your Dental Office.

  2. Brushing at least two times per Day

Brushing your teeth regularly will stop the bacteria plaque from calcifying and turning in a white, yellow or black substance called Tartar or Calculus.

Electric toothbrushes do work best for cleaning your teeth compared to manual brushes. Proper brushing is super important because plaque likes to hide under the gums, and this can create a bad smell if food gets stuck here.

For information on proper brushing technique, watch this video.

Some people say they have no time to go out and buy their toothbrush and floss, but there are toothbrush subscription services such as Quip and Boka.

It’s also important that you change out your toothbrush at least every 3 months because the bristles can fray and cause trauma to your gum tissue, so toothbrush subscription services like Quip work great for people with busy schedules.

  3. Floss at least one-time per day

The string floss is best for getting rid of the bacteria between your teeth, but some people don’t like to use it. If you only brush your teeth, you are only cleaning the outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, but you are not cleaning in between your teeth.

This leftover food will cause a horrible smell inside your mouth because this will create an acidic environment due to the destruction of bone holding in your teeth. This can cause bleeding gums, pus, infection of the mouth, etc.

The plaque between your teeth only needs 48-72 hours to turn into Calculus, which is a sheet of calcified plaque that allows more plaque to live on top of it.

If you don’t like to use string floss, you can even use Dental Floss Picks.

Whether you’re wearing braces, have a busy lifestyle, don’t have room in your medicine cabinet, etc, now you don’t have an excuse for not flossing. With these Dental Floss picks, you will be able to floss “on the go”.

  4. Rinse your mouth with Mouthwash every time you brush your teeth – How To Fix Bad Breath

Try to stay away from mouthwash that has alcohol because this can cause your mouth to become dry and eventually create an acidic environment that can cause cavities. Cavities will never help you fix bad breath.

Be sure to use a mouthwash that is ADA approved, but does not contain alcohol.

2 Alcohol-free product recommended by the ADA on “How To Fix Bad Breath” are:

CloSYS Alcohol-Free Oral Health Rinse (unflavored & gentle mint)



how to fix bad breath closys



  • Helps reduce bad breath
  • ​Non-burning alcohol-free
  • Kills 99.9% of bad breath germs
  • Does Not Stain your mouth or teeth
  • pH balanced
  • Available in gentle mint or unflavored with flavor control




TheraBreath Fresh Breath Oral Rinse (Mild Mint, Invigorating Icy Mint, Rainforest Mint)



How to fix bad breath therabreath



  • No alcohol
  • Doesn’t burn your mouth or teeth
  • Kills bad breath for 12 hours or longer
  • How to use: Rinse with one capful for 1 minute. Then gargle with another capful for another 30 seconds to clean throat. Don’t eat for 5 minutes.
  • Use morning and night.







  5. Tongue Scraping is How To Fix Bad Breath


Your tongue is a major source of plaque build-up, and when you see white stuff on top of it, it’s because you are not scraping that layer of plaque off of it.

If you see a film of white, brown, yellow or black, you may need to clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.

For more information on what you may be seeing on your tongue, and How To Fix Bad Breath, check out this article as well as speak with your Dental /Medical health professional for more information.

How To Remove Plaque From Tongue? Tongue Cleaners

  6. Stop Smoking

Smoking makes every smell bad, but it isn’t doing you any favors if you’re having trouble with how To Fix Bad Breath. Smoking will make your clothes smell, your car smell, your house, and it also dries out your mouth.

Because smoking dries out your mouth, it makes you more susceptible to cavities and tooth loss. Both of these issues can cause bad breath.

Smoking will also turn your tongue brown or black from the tar inside of the cigarette/cigar.

If you need resources for quitting tobacco use, refer to the website below.

How to Quit Smoking


  7. Chew Sugar-Free Gum or Gum with Xylitol, and Drink Water Regularly – Don’t Let your mouth get dry.


Spry Fresh Natural Xylitol Chewing Gum Dental Defense System Aspartame-Free Sugar Free Gum (Peppermint, 100 Count – Pack of 2)


Xylitol is fake sugar that Sugar bugs can not digest. Sugar bugs that try to digest Xylitol will die trying to metabolize Xylitol, which can help protect you from cavities.

Gum is great for fixing bad breath because a lot of times bad breath is caused by dry mouth. Bacteria ends up sitting in your mouth on your tongue, tooth, gums, lips, throat, etc, so chewing sugar-free gum helps stimulate saliva within your mouth.

When saliva is stimulated within your mouth, it washes away bacteria from your lips, vestibule, cheeks.

If bacteria are just sitting in your mouth, and not being washed away, the PH in your mouth will go down, causing a more acidic environment which will make you more susceptible to getting cavities.

Water and Sugar-Free Gum will help bring that PH in your mouth back to neutral, which will help protect your teeth from cavities and wash away those odor-producing plaque organisms.

10. Stop Drinking Coffee

Because coffee is acidic and sulfuric, Coffee has the power to cause bad breath by dehydrating you allowing bacteria to stick around longer.

If it’s impossible for you to stop drinking coffee, like it is for me, try drinking water regularly throughout the day to combat the dehydrating effects of coffee.

There is research that yogurt can help decrease the number of bacteria left in your mouth.

In their article “Yogurt: An Antidote to Bad Breath?”, they say that “Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, may have a beneficial effect on odor-causing bacteria in the mouth”.

Because coffee has caffeine, it can cause you to become more jittery and stressed, which dries out the mouth even more.

11. Stay Away from foods that can make your Breath Smell  


Foods like garlic, onions, dairy, tuna, horseradish can cause bad breath to linger for hours.

Garlic and Onions are loaded with sulfur, and this sulfur gas is released when garlic chewed in their raw, non-cooked form. The sulfur from the garlic also gets ingested into the bloodstream and then ends up coming out from your mouth a second time. Not only this, but the garlic scent will end up coming out of your pores.

Although garlic and onions cause bad breath, they are good for your health.

Apples can combat the bad breath effects of garlic.

12. Eat foods that can make your Breath Smell Good.

  • water 

    • This helps to move “loose” bacteria out of the mouth. Water alone will not cure bad breath. You will still need to brush, floss and use mouth rinse
  • green tea – ( an antioxidant as well )

    • Studies show that green tea can inhibit cancer growth and help reduce bad breath
  • ginger

    • We call it “The Natural miracle” because of the 6-gingerol compound it contains, which helps trigger an enzyme in our own saliva, that helps break down sulfur bacteria.
  • raw fruits and veggies – ex. apples, pears, carrots, celery.

    • Because fruits and veggies are tougher to eat, these foods can act as a natural toothbrush by scraping against your teeth removing bacterial plaque.
  • Sugar-free yogurt

    Web MD article says that “eating 6 ounces of yogurt a day reduced levels of odor-causing compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide, in the mouth.”

  • Parsley and basil

  • Cherries 

    • Cherries use polyphenols and Chlorophyl which both act as natural cures for bad breath, by removing methyl mercaptan( one gas that causes bad breath )

See your Doctor / Dentist – The source can be coming from inside your body.

If the above resources fail to help with the bad breath, please consult your Doctor because many different things are going on within your body that can be causing bad breath.

Certain body ailments can cause bad breath including, but not limited to:

  • Infections in the lungs,
  • sinuses or airways can also cause bad breath
  • Post-Nasal Drip
  • respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis
  • chronic sinus infections,
  • postnasal drip,
  • diabetes,
  • chronic acid reflux,
  • liver or kidney problems

Please let us know what has worked well for you with Fixing bad breath.




What is The Number 1 best way on how to fix bad breath?

The number 1 best way on how to fix bad breath is to make sure that you are visiting your Dentist and Dental Hygienist at least every six months at a minimum.

Does Brushing and flossing clean all the plaque off my teeth?

Brushing and Flossing can only remove up to 60-70% of the plaque bacteria in your mouth every six months, so it's extremely important to get everything removed by visiting your Dental Office.

Why do we need to brush our teeth twice a day to help fix bad breath? to keep

Brushing your teeth regularly will stop the bacteria plaque from calcifying and turning in a white, yellow or black substance called Tartar or Calculus. Electric toothbrushes do work best for cleaning your teeth compared to manual brushes. Proper brushing is super important because plaque likes to hide under the gums, and this can create a bad smell if food gets stuck here.

How often should I Floss to help fix my bad breath?

Floss at least 1x per day. The string floss is best for getting rid of the bacteria between your teeth, but some people don't like to use it. If you only brush your teeth, you are only cleaning the outside and inside surfaces of your teeth, but you are not cleaning in between your teeth. This leftover food will cause a horrible smell inside your mouth because this will create an acidic environment due to the destruction of bone holding in your teeth. This can cause bleeding gums, pus, infection of the mouth, etc. The plaque between your teeth only needs 48-72 hours to turn into Calculus, which is a sheet of calcified plaque that allows more plaque to live on top of it.

What should I avoid when choosing a mouthwash for Bad Breath?

Try to stay away from mouthwash that has alcohol because this can cause your mouth to become dry and eventually create an acidic environment that can cause cavities. Cavities will never help you fix bad breath.

How does Tongue Scraping help fix bad breath

Your tongue is a major source of plaque build-up, and when you see white stuff on top of it, it's because you are not scraping that layer of plaque off of it. If you see a film of white, brown, yellow or black, you may need to clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.

Does Smoking Cause bad breath?

dries out your mouth. Because smoking dries out your mouth, it makes you more susceptible to cavities and tooth loss. Both of these issues can cause bad breath. Smoking will also turn your tongue brown or black from the tar inside of the cigarette/cigar.

How does drinking water regularly help fix bad breath?

If bacteria are just sitting in your mouth, and not being washed away, the PH in your mouth will go down, causing a more acidic environment which will make you more susceptible to getting cavities.

What is Xylitol Sugar-free Gum?

Xylitol is fake sugar that Sugar bugs can not digest. Sugar bugs that try to digest Xylitol will die trying to metabolize Xylitol, which can help protect you from cavities.

How does Xylitol Sugar Free Gum help me Fix bad breath?

Xylitol is fake sugar that Sugar bugs can not digest. Sugar bugs that try to digest Xylitol will die trying to metabolize Xylitol, which can help protect you from cavities. Gum is great for fixing bad breath because a lot of times bad breath is caused by dry mouth. Bacteria ends up sitting in your mouth on your tongue, tooth, gums, lips, throat, etc, so chewing sugar-free gum helps stimulate saliva within your mouth. When saliva is stimulated within your mouth, it washes away bacteria from your lips, vestibule, cheeks. If bacteria are just sitting in your mouth, and not being washed away, the PH in your mouth will go down, causing a more acidic environment which will make you more susceptible to getting cavities. Water and Sugar-Free Gum will help bring that PH in your mouth back to neutral, which will help protect your teeth from cavities and wash away those odor-producing plaque organisms.

Why does coffee cause bad breath?

Because coffee is acidic and sulfuric, Coffee has the power to cause bad breath by dehydrating you allowing bacteria to stick around longer.

If I can not stop drinking coffee, how can I cure my bad breath?

If it is impossible for you to stop drinking coffee, like it is for me, try drinking water regularly throughout the day to combat the dehydrating effects of coffee. There is research that yogurt can help decrease the number of bacteria left in your mouth. In their article Yogurt: An Antidote to Bad Breath?, they say that Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, may have a beneficial effect on odor-causing bacteria in the mouth. Because coffee has caffeine, it can cause you to become more jittery and stressed, which dries out the mouth even more.

What types of foods cause bad breath?

Foods like garlic, onions, dairy, tuna, horseradish can cause bad breath to linger for hours. Garlic and Onions are loaded with sulfur, and this sulfur gas is released when garlic chewed in their raw, non-cooked form. The sulfur from the garlic also gets ingested into the bloodstream and then ends up coming out from your mouth a second time. Not only this, but the garlic scent will end up coming out of your pores. Although garlic and onions cause bad breath, they are good for your health. Apples can combat the bad breath effects of garlic.

Which foods make your Breath Smell Good?

Parsley, basil and Cherries. Cherries use polyphenols and Chlorophyll which both act as natural cures for bad breath, by removing methyl mercaptan, one gas that causes bad breath, water This helps to move loose bacteria out of the mouth. Water alone will not cure bad breath. You will still need to brush, floss and use mouth rinse green tea , an antioxidant as well. Studies show that green tea can inhibit cancer growth and help reduce bad breath ginger We call it, The Natural miracle, because of the 6gingerol compound it contains, which helps trigger an enzyme in our own saliva, that helps break down sulfur bacteria. raw fruits and veggies. Examples include apples, pears, carrots, celery.

What Body Ailments can cause bad breath?

Certain body ailments can cause bad breath including, but not limited to: Infections in the lungs, sinuses or airways can also cause bad breath Post-Nasal Drip respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis chronic sinus infections, postnasal drip, diabetes, chronic acid reflux, liver or kidney problems



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Do Baby Teeth Have Roots ?

Often times people wonder, “Do Baby Teeth have roots like adult teeth do?”

Baby Teeth are known to be deciduous teeth because they fall out around age 6 or 8. This happens to make room for adult teeth.

These teeth are also known as Primary teeth because they are the “1st set of 2 sets” you receive. The 2nd set of teeth you receive are your Secondary teeth AKA Adult teeth.

Baby Teeth are also known as “milk teeth” because of how white they are compared to adult teeth.

Have you ever noticed the difference in color between baby teeth and adult teeth?


Do Baby Teeth Have Roots ?
Toddler Sitting While Smiling,

So, do babies’ teeth have roots and nerves?


Yes, they do, but they are much smaller compared to adult teeth. Babies’ teeth are also much smaller in size compared to adult teeth.  The number of nerves and roots present in baby teeth are much smaller compared to adult teeth.

The difference in color is noticeable because there is much less root and nerve supply compared to the adult teeth.

The nerves that are within the roots of the teeth get resorbed by the body before they become loose and fall out. This creates a common misconception about baby teeth not having roots and nerves.

Do Adult teeth Dissolve Baby Tooth Roots?

Yes, baby teeth are held in place by the gum tissue as well as their roots and nerves. The incoming Adult teeth dissolve the baby tooth roots.  If the Adult teeth do not dissolve the baby teeth roots, these baby teeth can remain inside the person’s mouth for life.

Many times this happens with people that have baby teeth, but no permanent teeth coming up under them in the mouth.

do babies’ back teeth have roots?

Yes, even the back teeth have roots.

do babies’ teeth have roots when they come out?

No, the adult tooth under the baby tooth will dissolve the baby tooth root.  This will help loosen the grip of the baby tooth to the periodontium, and eventually, fall out.

Do babies’ canine teeth, front teeth, and molar

teeth have roots?

Babies’ teeth have the exact number of roots that adult teeth have, but their anatomy is just smaller.

Do babies’ tooth roots dissolve when they fall out?

Yes, babies’ teeth roots dissolve through resorption as adult teeth start to come in.  This loosens their baby teeth, and kids can wiggle out their baby teeth to allow their adult teeth to come in.

Why do some babies’ teeth have long roots when pulled?

All roots of different sizes. But, when a child is unable to shed their baby tooth, the Orthodontist may want to have their baby tooth extracted to proceed with treatment.

If there is no Adult tooth to resorb the root of the Baby tooth, the extraction may yield a baby tooth with a very long root. This may be a difficult process for the child getting the extraction.

Some babies’ teeth have long roots because there was never an adult tooth under the babies’ tooth resorbing the baby’s tooth root and nerve. If the baby tooth root is long, and it was never resorbed, then the extraction will yield a large rooted Baby tooth.


Do Baby Teeth Have Roots ?

Yes, they do, but they are much smaller compared to adult teeth. Babies' teeth are also much smaller in size compared to adult teeth. The number of nerves and roots present in baby teeth are much smaller compared to adult teeth. The difference in color is noticeable because there is much less root and nerve supply compared to the adult teeth.

Do babies' teeth have roots and nerves?

The nerves that are within the roots of the teeth get resorbed by the body before they become loose and fall out. This creates a common misconception about baby teeth not having roots and nerves.

Do Adult teeth Dissolve Baby Tooth Roots?

Yes, baby teeth are held in place by the gum tissue as well as their roots and nerves. The incoming Adult teeth dissolve the baby tooth roots. If the Adult teeth do not dissolve the baby teeth roots, these baby teeth can remain inside the person's mouth for life. Many times this happens with people that have baby teeth, but no permanent teeth coming up under them in the mouth.

Do babies' back teeth have roots?

Yes, even the back teeth have roots.

do babies' teeth have roots when they come out?

No, the adult tooth under the baby tooth will dissolve the baby tooth root. This will help loosen the grip of the baby tooth to the periodontium, and eventually, fall out.

Do babies' canine teeth, front teeth, and molar teeth have roots?

Babies' teeth have the exact number of roots that adult teeth have, but their anatomy is just smaller.

Do babies' tooth roots dissolve when they fall out?

Yes, babies' teeth roots dissolve through resorption as adult teeth start to come in. This loosens their baby teeth, and kids can wiggle out their baby teeth to allow their adult teeth to come in.

Why do some babies' teeth have long roots when pulled?

All roots of different sizes. But, when a child is unable to shed their baby tooth, the Orthodontist may want to have their baby tooth extracted to proceed with treatment. If there is no Adult tooth to resorb the root of the Baby tooth, the extraction may yield a baby tooth with a very long root. This may be a difficult process for the child getting the extraction. Some babies' teeth have long roots because there was never an adult tooth under the babies' tooth resorbing the baby's tooth root and nerve.

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What Baby Teeth Come In First ?

There is no guarantee as to which baby teeth will come in first, but there is a general guide for which teeth come in consistently for a majority of babies. Even though most babies will get at least 1 or 2 teeth by 6 months of age, there is no guarantee. There is also no guarantee that a baby will get their first tooth by the age of 1.

What is recommended, though, is that you get your baby to a Dentist as soon as their first tooth appears.



“Teeth!”What Baby Teeth Come In First by janetmck is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 

Which Baby Teeth Come In First?

The general guide of baby teeth that comes in is this:

  1. Bottom Central incisors: 6-10 months of age
  2. Upper Central incisors: 8-12 months
  3. Upper Lateral incisors: 9-14 months
  4. Bottom Lateral Incisors: 10-15 months
  5. Upper First Molar: 1 year to 15 months
  6. Lower First Molar: 13 months to 16 months
  7. Upper Canine: 16 – 22months
  8. Lower Canine: 17 – 24 months
  9. Lower second molar 23-34 months
  10. upper second molar 25 – 37 months

in general, girl’s teeth usually develop teeth at a faster rate than boys.


Can Baby Teeth develop Out of Order?

Baby teeth can develop out of order, so don’t start thinking there is a problem with your child until you take them to the Dentist and have them evaluated.

How many baby teeth do you lose? ( See Article )

When Should you make your first Dental Appointment?

As soon as your baby’s first tooth appears, you should create your first dental visit or by your baby’s first birthday.

Your baby’s Pediatric Dentist will be able to make sure that teeth are developing correctly as well as how to properly clean your baby’s teeth at home.

The Dentist you choose for your baby does not need to be a Pediatric Dentist.

Things to discuss with your baby’s Dentist are:

  1. How to avoid Baby bottle Decay

  2. Fluoride Varnish  – to help protect teeth from caries or cavities
  3. Tooth Eruption process – how your babies teeth are progressing
  4. If X-rays are taken, are there Adult teeth buds forming
  5. When to start seeing an Orthodontist for braces
  6. Teething issues – what to watch out for ( see video above )
  7. Teething toys that are safe
    1. Dangerous Teething toys – article located here.
  8. ToothBrushing Techniques
    1. Size of toothbrush head
    2. amount of toothpaste to use
    3. How often to brush teeth
    4. Toothpaste – should there be fluoride in the toothpaste?
    5. What to do if your baby or child eats full bottle of toothpaste with Fluoride (toxic if eaten)

Some Resources to Help you in the Future


Plackers Orthopick Guide (Resources, How-to-use )

Which floss is the best for braces ? [Updated 2019]





What Baby Teeth Come In First ?

Bottom Central incisors: 6-10 months of age Upper Central incisors: 8-12 months Upper Lateral incisors: 9-14 months Bottom Lateral Incisors: 10-15 months Upper First Molar: 1 year to 15 months Lower First Molar: 13 months to 16 months Upper Canine: 16 - 22months Lower Canine: 17 - 24 months Lower second molar 23-34 months upper second molar 25 - 37 months

Do girls teeth come in faster than boys teeth?

in general, girl's teeth usually develop teeth at a faster rate than boys.

Can Baby Teeth develop Out of Order?

Baby teeth can develop out of order, so don't start thinking there is a problem with your child until you take them to the Dentist and have them evaluated.

How many baby teeth do you lose?

Normally 20, but there can be exceptions. Some kids can hold onto their baby teeth for life.

When Should you make your first Dental Appointment?

As soon as your baby's first tooth appears, you should create your first dental visit or by your baby's first birthday. Your baby's Pediatric Dentist will be able to make sure that teeth are developing correctly as well as how to properly clean your baby's teeth at home. The Dentist you choose for your baby does not need to be a Pediatric Dentist.

What should I discuss during my baby's first Dental Visit?

Fluoride Varnish, to help protect teeth from caries or cavities Tooth Eruption process, how your babies teeth are progressing If X-rays are taken, are there Adult teeth buds forming When to start seeing an Orthodontist for braces Teething issues - what to watch out for Teething toys that are safe

How do I choose the right toothbrush for my baby?

Discuss the following with your Dentist: Size of the toothbrush head, amount of toothpaste to use, How often to brush teeth, Toothpaste, should there be fluoride in the toothpaste? What to do if your baby or child eats a full bottle of toothpaste with Fluoride (toxic if eaten)

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How many baby teeth do you lose ?

How many baby teeth do you lose?

20 baby teeth are usually lost

Generally, the rule of thumb is that you will lose all the baby teeth that erupt into your mouth.  Normally, there will be 20 baby teeth that come in, and your baby will lose 20 baby teeth.

Baby teeth usually start erupting into your baby’s mouth at around 6 months and the eruption process is usually complete around two or three years old.

Many children are different in the timing of their eruption, so don’t get worried if you don’t see any teeth until a year or so.

One year old is a great time to get your child into the dental office to get their first check up



How many baby teeth do you lose?
How many baby teeth do you lose?

“Pulling Baby Teeth 2-13-08 IMG_6294”

by Steven Depolo is licensed under CC BY 2.0

When do permanent teeth erupt into the mouth?

An easy way to remember this, but doesn’t have to happen exactly is :

  1. 6 years old – 1st molars come in
  2.  12 years old – 2nd molars come in
  3.  18 years old – 3rd molars come in

Every 6 years or so, a new set of molars will appear in your child’s mouth, and if they don’t come in at 6, don’t get worried. Some kids will get their first molars at 3 or 4 and some might get them at 8 or 10. It’s important to get your kids into the dental office to get X-rays to check to make sure their molars and teeth are forming.  The DDS can let you know what teeth are coming in, and what you should do if they are not coming in.

Are there exceptions to How many baby teeth do you lose?

Of course, there are exceptions. Some people will not have a permanent tooth that will replace the baby tooth that is coming in.

There are many people that have baby teeth that have no problems staying in the mouth for a person’s entire life. This usually happens when someone does not have a permanent tooth come into the mouth.

But, in general, you are born with 20 baby teeth, and you will lose 20 baby teeth.

Normally, 20 baby teeth will be replaced with 20 adult-sized teeth, plus another 12 adult teeth totaling 32 permanent teeth.

Because most people’s mouths are not large enough to contain 32 adult teeth, their wisdom teeth are removed.

For those individuals that have large teeth and small-mouths, sometimes their Orthodontist will remove 4 of their pre-molars plus 4 wisdom teeth leaving them with 24 teeth total.

The reason this happens is that removing these teeth will usually help keep their teeth clean and healthy.


A great resource you can find is a tooth eruption chart for baby teeth and adult teeth.

For information regarding braces, you can check out The American Association of OrthoDontists.

Cheaper Alternatives to The NEW Sonicare Toothbrush



How many baby teeth do you lose?

20 baby teeth are usually lost Generally, the rule of thumb is that you will lose all the baby teeth that erupt into your mouth. Normally, there will be 20 baby teeth that come in, and your baby will lose 20 baby teeth.

When do Baby's teeth start Erupting?

Baby teeth usually start erupting into your baby's mouth at around 6 months and the eruption process is usually complete around two or three years old.

When Should my baby get their first Dental Check Up?

One year old is a great time to get your child into the dental office to get their first checkup

When do permanent teeth erupt into the mouth?

Every 6 years or so, a new set of molars will appear in your child's mouth, and if they don't come in at 6, don't get worried. Some kids will get their first molars at 3 or 4 and some might get them at 8 or 10. It's important to get your kids into the dental office to get Xrays to check to make sure their molars and teeth are forming. The DDS can let you know what teeth are coming in, and what you should do if they are not coming in.

Are there exceptions to How many baby teeth do you lose?

there are exceptions. Some people will not have a permanent tooth that will replace the baby tooth that is coming in. There are many people that have baby teeth that have no problems staying in the mouth for a person's entire life. This usually happens when someone does not have a permanent tooth come into the mouth. But, in general, you are born with 20 baby teeth, and you will lose 20 baby teeth.

20 baby teeth will be replaced with how many adult sized teeth?

Normally, 20 baby teeth will be replaced with 20 adult-sized teeth, plus another 12 adult teeth totaling 32 permanent teeth.

Why do people remove their Wisdom Teeth?

Because most people's mouths are not large enough to contain 32 adult teeth, their wisdom teeth are removed. For those individuals that have large teeth and small-mouths, sometimes their Orthodontist will remove 4 of their pre-molars plus 4 wisdom teeth leaving them with 24 teeth total.

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Effects of Sugary Drinks on your dental Health

Effects of Sugary Drinks on your dental Health

Most people think of cavities or weight gain when it comes to drinking Sugary drinks like Coca Cola, Root Beer, Mountain Dew, but no one ever thinks of Dental Erosion – one of the negative Effects of Sugary Drinks on your dental Health

Coca Cola has so many uses, including removing rust from a Bike handle in the video. If Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine how much enamel it can take off of your teeth.  In the video below, he left the rusted bike handle inside the Coca Cola for a couple days. But, just imagine years of coca cola hitting your teeth, and doing this to your teeth.

Your enamel is the hardest structure in your body, and it’s even stronger than your bones, but slowly by slowly, it can easily remove your enamel and any tooth structure below it.

Dental Tooth Erosion VS Tooth Decay (AKA cavities)

Tooth erosion is the wearing away of your tooth structure by an acidic substances:


  • Sodas and Diet Sodas- Coca Cola, Root Beer
  • Juices – Orange Juice, Lime Juice, pineapple juice
  • Energy drinks – rockstar, red bull, etc
  • Your own stomach Acid –  Acid Reflux aka Gerd,
  • gum with sugar

Tooth Decay is when plaque bacteria eats sugar, and then metabolizes acid onto your tooth structure.

Causes include:

  •  Carbohydrates – sugar from Sodas, Juices, Pasta
  • Any sticky Carbohydrates containing sugar

How Do Dental Cavities Start in my Mouth?

When the bacteria eat Carbohydrates (from sodas, juice, pasta, etc ) in your mouth, they produce a by-product which is acid.  It is the acid that is responsible for breaking down your tooth structure and causing cavities

Why Does the Acid produced from the bacteria’s By product

make me more susceptible to Cavities?

It’s because it changes the PH of your mouth into a more acidic environment compared to what your teeth can survive in.

A normal PH of your mouth is 7.0


When your mouth reaches a PH of 4.5-5.5 , then your enamel is at risk of breaking down and turning into a cavity

When your mouth reaches a PH of 6.0 – 6.7 , then your dentin is at risk of breaking down and turning into a cavity

Acid Producing Bacterias include:

  • Streptococcus Mutans is the main bacteria responsible for initially causing your cavities.

  • Lactobacilli – This is the bacteria that shows up after the cavity has started the breakdown of your teeth

  • Actinomyces – This bacteria attacks the root surfaces of your teeth in order to produce cavities.


How To Prevent Cavities and Tooth Erosion Caused by Sugar

The best solution is to stop drinking sodas, fruit juices, and having any carbohydrates, but that’s not going to happen. The truth is that people love this stuff, but knowing the risks will help.

  • Try to cut out the Sugary Drinks from your normal day.
  • Remember that there is a direct causation of Frequency of Carbohydrate intake and Cavities, so ….try to limit the number of time you take in sugar
  • Don’t add sugar to coffee, or use artificial sweetener.
    • Bacteria is unable to breakdown artificial sweeteners ( For example – xylitol gum or xylitol sugar).
  • Drink Water after eating sticky foods. Water helps flush the bacteria away
  • chew sugar-free gum. This helps stimulate saliva, which helps protect your teeth from Cavities.
  • Wait 30 – 60 minutes to brush your teeth after having Carbs. This will allow your teeth to remineralize after the demineralization process from ingesting Carbs.
  • Don’t eat or drink anything with Carbohydrates before bed because your mouth tends to dry out during the night, which makes you more susceptible to cavities.
  • Go to the Dentist regularly, and get examined at least 1x per year. Catching a cavity early can save you a big headache with bills and time.
  • Use a Fluoride Toothpaste – Fluoride can help strengthen your enamel making your teeth stronger when it has to deal with cavity-causing bacterias.
  • Ask your DDS and Dental hygienist is getting Fluoride Varnish is right for you. Concentrated amounts of Fluoride Varnish can help protect your enamel and roots of your teeth from cavities.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet. Add more vegetables to your diet.
  • Drink more water
  • Brush 2 times per day and Floss at least 1 time per day.


Dental erosion - effects of sugar on your teeth

“How to Tell If You Have Cavities”by mortonweatherly is licensed under CC BY 2.0


What are the Effects of Sugary Drinks on your Dental Health?

If Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine how much enamel it can take off of your teeth. In the video below, he left the rusted bike handle inside the Coca Cola for a couple days. But, just imagine years of coca cola hitting your teeth, and doing this to your teeth. Your enamel is the hardest structure in your body, and it's even stronger than your bones, but slowly by slowly, it can easily remove your enamel and any tooth structure below it.

What is the hardest structure in your body?

Your enamel is the hardest structure in your body, and it's even stronger than your bones, but slowly by slowly, it can easily remove your enamel and any tooth structure below it.

What is Tooth Erosion?

Tooth erosion is the wearing away of your tooth structure by acidic substances such as sodas, juices, and energy drinks.

What is the tooth Decay process?

Tooth Decay is when plaque bacteria eats sugar, and then metabolizes acid onto your tooth structure.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth Decay is when plaque bacteria eats sugar, and then metabolizes acid onto your tooth structure. Causes include: Carbohydrates such as sugar from Sodas, Juices, Pasta Any sticky Carbohydrates containing sugar

How Do Dental Cavities Start in my Mouth?

When the bacteria eat Carbohydrates (from sodas, juice, pasta, etc ) in your mouth, they produce a by-product which is acid. It is the acid that is responsible for breaking down your tooth structure and causing cavities.

Why Does the Acid produced from the bacteria's By product make me more susceptible to Cavities?

It's because it changes the PH of your mouth into a more acidic environment compared to what your teeth can survive in. A normal PH of your mouth is 7.0 But, When your mouth reaches a PH of 4.5-5.5 , then your enamel is at risk of breaking down and turning into a cavity When your mouth reaches a PH of 6.0 to 6.7 , then your dentin is at risk of breaking down and turning into a cavity.

What are the Cavity Causing Bacterias called?

Streptococcus Mutans is the main bacteria responsible for initially causing your cavities. Lactobacilli - This is the bacteria that shows up after the cavity has started the breakdown of your teeth Actinomyces - This bacteria attacks the root surfaces of your teeth in order to produce cavities.

How can I Prevent Cavities and Tooth Erosion Caused by Sugar?

The best solution is to stop drinking sodas, fruit juices, and having any carbohydrates, but that's not going to happen. The truth is that people love this stuff, but knowing the risks will help. Try to cut out the Sugary Drinks from your normal day. Remember that there is a direct causation of Frequency of Carbohydrate intake and Cavities, so ....try to limit the number of time you take in sugar Don't add sugar to coffee, or use artificial sweetener. Bacteria is unable to breakdown artificial sweeteners ( For example - xylitol gum or xylitol sugar). Drink Water after eating sticky foods. Water helps flush the bacteria away chew sugar-free gum. This helps stimulate saliva, which helps protect your teeth from Cavities.

What is Streptococcus Mutans?

Streptococcus Mutans is the main bacteria responsible for initially causing your cavities.

What is Lactobacilli?

This is the bacteria that shows up after the cavity has started the breakdown of your teeth

What is Actinomyces ?

Actinomyces is This bacteria attacks the root surfaces of your teeth in order to produce cavities.

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Plackers Orthopick Guide (Resources, How-to-use )

Welcome to your Plackers Orthopick Guide, including Resources, How-to videos and Plackers Orthopick retailers. If there is something you are unsure about, or can’t find, let me know in the comments and I will update it.

Welcome to YOUR Plackers Orthopick Guide :

Resources Amazon –

Get your Plackers Orthopick on Amazon through this link

Plackers Orthopick How To Use

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders

Plackers Orthopick youtube Demonstration Videos

Plackers Orthopick Reviews on Amazon

Plackers Orthopick Guide ( Near Me ) –

How to Find a Plackers Orthopick Retailer Near you

plackers orthopick australia

plackers orthopick canada

How to use Plackers Orthopick Flosser for Braces

WARNING: if the skinner, flatter end does not fit behind the wire or below the brackets, don’t force this pick through, or you could break off the wire/bracket.

How many times have you got into huge fights and arguments with your kids because they were refusing to floss? Imagine if there was an easier way to get your kids to floss and there was no hair pulling , no arguments, and everything went smoothly?

All you have to do is pull one of the floss picks out, and notice there are two plastic ends. One plastic end is thicker, and one plastic end is thinner.

All you need to do is shimmy the thinner plastic end down between the teeth and under the metal braces wire. Then proceed to do the proper C-shape flossing method on each side of your teeth.

Because the flatter and thinner plastic head goes under the brace wire, you can eventually cut down the time it takes to complete your Dental hygiene routine for the day.


Plackers Orthopick Flosser For Braces – 

  • The Plackers orthopick dental floss was created to make those with braces lives easier.

  • not to shred, tear,rip or even stretch because it contains the world’s strongest dental floss, Super Tuffloss

  • Soft and flexible and durable toothpick removes food and plaque without harming gums or braces
  • LEARN MORE ABOUT plackers orthopick dental floss picks for braces



Plackers Orthopick For Braces

How to use Plackers Orthopick Dental Floss Picks For Braces



Plackers Orthopick GuidePlackers Orthopick Dental Floss Picks for Braces, 36 Count (Pack of 4)




Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 


Where can You find Plackers Orthopick Flosser 24 Count ?

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick

Plackers Orthopick Guide
Plackers Orthopick Guide

Link to Ebay 

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Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 

Plackers Orthopick Guide

Where to Find the Right Plackers Orthopick Dental Flosser


Plackers Micro Mint Dental Floss Picks, 150 Count, Pack of 4

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick
Plackers Orthopick Guide
Plackers Orthopick Guide

Check Price on Amazon

Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 

Plackers Twin

-Line Dental Floss Picks, 75 Count


Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick 
Plackers Orthopick Guide plackers twin line
Plackers Orthopick Guide twin line

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Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 


Plackers Gentleslide Dental Floss Picks, 90 Count

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick
Plackers Orthopick Guide - genteslide
Plackers Orthopick Guide

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Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 

Plackers Kids Dental Floss Picks, 75 Count 

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick

Plackers Orthopick Guide - kids dual grips
Plackers Orthopick Guide – kids dual grips

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Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 

Plackers Kids 1st Floss Picks – Berry 

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick

Plackers Orthopick Guide - fruit smoothie swirl
Plackers Orthopick Guide

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Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 


Plackers Back Teeth Micro Mint Dental Floss Picks

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick

Plackers Orthopick Guide - back teeth
Plackers Orthopick Guide

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Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 

Plackers Hi Performance Fine Flossers

Check Amazon Reviews on this Plackers Orthopick

Plackers Orthopick Guide fine floss
Plackers Orthopick Guide

Check Price on Amazon

Plackers orthopick target

Plackers orthopick walgreens 



Plackers Orthopick Flosser for Braces Walmart – 

You can find the plackers Orthopick flossers for braces at Walmart using the links below. Please email me if any of the links fail to load. Thank you !


How to use Plackers Orthopick Flosser for Braces?

WARNING: if the skinner, flatter end does not fit behind the wire or below the brackets, don’t force this pick through, or you could break off the wire/bracket.

Is the Plackers Floss pick use strong floss?

Plackers Floss pick are designed not to shred, tear,rip or even stretch because it contains the world’s strongest dental floss, Super Tuffloss

Do the Plackers Floss pick make people with Braces lives easier?

The Plackers orthopick dental floss was created to make those with braces lives easier. IT can help save time and money in the future with how easy and comfortable it makes cleaning braces. Soft and flexible and durable toothpick removes food and plaque without harming gums or braces

Where can I find Plackers Orthopick Flosser?

Walmart, Amazon, Target.

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How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?

Floss Threader How to

Wanna learn How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?

Flossing your teeth with braces can be one of the trickiest and most frustrating experience for any teenager, so that’s why this article is going to teach you exactly how to floss with braces with a floss threader as well as floss picks !!

Flossing your teeth as a child or teenager without floss can be extremely difficult and frustrating all by itself, and floss threaders can take forever to do.

As a teenager or adult with braces, time is important, and you don’t have all day to floss your teeth. You probably have sports, family dinners, friends to hang out with, homework, projects, Doctor appointments, etc.

Flossing a Lingual bar can be tricky, so here are 3 easy steps to help you out.

3 Steps to use Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer

  1. Get the floss threader and a piece of floss.
  2. Loop the floss through the floss threader, and tie a knot with the dental floss onto the floss threader
  3. Gently push the Non-looped end of the floss threader between the crevice of your tooth, and use your tongue to push the non-looped end towards the front of your mouth.
  4. Grab the end of the floss threader, and floss normally under the gums, and then pull the floss threader and floss out from between the crevice of your tooth.

Here is a great video that will teach you :

How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer

Heres a video of flossing with floss threaders to see how much more difficult it is compared to the platypus flossers

If there are any kids/teens/adults that can do this everyday, and have a normal life, they should be getting a medal because normal people won’t even floss their teeth everyday without floss.

In the Dental Products Guy opinion as well as some Orthodontists opinions , the best option would be the a water flosser. The choice is really up to the teen as to what they are most comfortable doing.

If you are interested in trying out these floss threaders, here’s a link below:

How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?
How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?

DenTek Floss Threaders | | Works with Braces, Bridges, and Implants | 50 Count with Case | Pack of 6 

For people that have bridges or implants, this is a great option and sometimes one of their only options. They only have one or two implants or one or two bridges, so they only have to use the floss threader to get under once or twice.

But it’s a cruel practice to expect a teen/child/adult to floss using the floss threader every single day.  It would be very time consuming which is like torture for a teenager.



Floss Threader How to

How to floss with braces without floss threaders?

If I were to get back into braces, I would just get a Waterpik(aka: Waterflosser).  These devices allow you to use the pressure of the water to get under the gums and really help flush food and bacteria out of the gum pockets.

This device can help rid your mouth of gingivitis and it’s quick too! There are waterpiks that you can use in the shower, while using it across your teeth and strengthening up your gums at the same time.

Waterpik For the Shower - How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?
Waterpik For the Shower – How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?

If you want to read more about water Flossers, check out this article on Best Dental Floss of 2019 [Complete Guide]

You won’t have to deal with the blood on the floss either.

Here’s another funny thing about Dental Floss picks that I never really got an answer from anyone on, so please leave a message in the comments if you know.

Dentists , Hygienists and Orthodontists promote the use of floss picks right? For sake of argument, let’s say YES, YOU’RE RIGHT

They also say that when you floss your teeth, you’re supposed to change up the part of the floss when moving from one tooth to another because you will introduce bacteria from one tooth to another.


What about with Disposable Floss picks having just a small area that you are cleaning every tooth surface between your teeth.

Technically, you are using the same piece of floss in the same areas.


Technically you are spreading bacteria from tooth to tooth using these floss picks right?

I could never get an answer for this, so if you know , please let me know.

How to Floss with braces with Floss Picks?

Here is a link to get some of these special flossers if you have braces, but never got yourself some.

Platypus Orthodontic Flossers for Braces 

How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?
How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?

These Platypus Floss picks can be a real time-saver because you don’t have to fiddle around with the floss threaders trying to reach under and through your braces.  As a teenager/child, there is already a limited amount of dexterity, and the expectation to get in there with floss threaders is insurmountably ridiculous!

In order to do this correctly, you want to gently slide the platypus floss slowly down between the bracket and the tooth. Once you get past where the tooth contacts each other, you want to do the C-shape flossing method. This is where you will gently hug the tooth, and go up and down on each side of the tooth.

In my opinion, this is even an annoying idea for a teenager.


How to use a Floss Threader with Permanent Retainer ?

Get the floss threader and a piece of floss. Loop the floss through the floss threader, and tie a knot with the dental floss onto the floss threader Gently push the Non-looped end of the floss threader between the crevice of your tooth, and use your tongue to push the non-looped end towards the front of your mouth. Grab the end of the floss threader, and floss normally under the gums, and then pull the floss threader and floss out from between the crevice of your tooth.

Is it tough to floss your teeth with braces?

Flossing your teeth with braces can be one of the trickiest and most frustrating experience for any teenager, so that's why this article is going to teach you exactly how to floss with braces with a floss threader as well as floss picks !!

Is it difficult for a teenager to floss their braces?

Flossing your teeth as a child or teenager without floss can be extremely difficult and frustrating all by itself, and floss threaders can take forever to do. As a teenager or adult with braces, time is important, and you don't have all day to floss your teeth. You probably have sports, family dinners, friends to hang out with, homework, projects, Doctor appointments, etc.

How to floss with braces without floss threaders?

Waterpiks allows you to use the pressure of the water to get under the gums and really help flush food and bacteria out of the gum pockets.

How Does Platypus floss help save my teenager time and frustration?

These Platypus Floss picks can be a real time-saver because you don't have to fiddle around with the floss threaders trying to reach under and through your braces. As a teenager/child, there is already a limited amount of dexterity, and the expectation to get in there with floss threaders is insurmountably ridiculous!

How do you use Platypus floss to floss braces?

In order to do this correctly, you want to gently slide the platypus floss slowly down between the bracket and the tooth. Once you get past where the tooth contacts each other, you want to do the C-shape flossing method. This is where you will gently hug the tooth, and go up and down on each side of the tooth.


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Which floss is the best for braces ? [Updated 2020]

Which floss is the best for braces? [Updated 2020]

How to Floss with braces without floss threaders –

Your options are WATERPIK WATER



Don’t Want To Floss Your braces with Floss Threaders?

So, let me tell you How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?

I completely understand where you’re coming from because Floss Threaders are the most annoying and time consuming type of floss available in the Dental Marketplace to me.

It’s a cruel practice to expect a teen/child/adult to floss using the floss threader every single day.  It would be very time consuming which is like torture for a teenager.

If there are any kids/teens/adults that can do this everyday, and have a normal life, they should be getting a medal because normal people won’t even floss their teeth everyday without floss.

For people that have bridges or implants, this is a great option and sometimes one of their only options. They only have one or two implants or one or two bridges, so they only have to use the floss threader to get under once or twice.

If you are interested in trying out these floss threaders, here’s a link below:

DenTek Floss Threaders | | Works with Braces, Bridges, and Implants | 50 Count with Case | Pack of 6 

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Floss Threaders

So, How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders?

In the Dental Products Guy opinion as well as some Orthodontists opinions , the best option would be the a water flosser.

Ultimately, the choice is really up to the teen as to what they are most comfortable using, but the Water Flosser just makes flossing your teeth so simple.  Just fill up the Water Flosser with water and aim at your gums, and remember to keep your mouth closed while doing it.

Device #1:

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?

Water Flosser (AKA Water Pick)

This device can help rid your mouth of gingivitis and it’s quick too! If you have braces, don’t want to deal with any type of floss including Platypus Floss, Plackers floss or anything with a string, then try out the water flosser.

Personally, I think water flossers are the easiest to use because it’s all based on aiming the water flosser at the base of the pockets and just spraying the gums.

For more information on how to use Waterflossers, checkout this website on How to Floss using Water Flosser

Waterpik Water Flosser Electric Dental Countertop Oral Irrigator For Teeth – Aquarius Professional, WP-660 White

Waterpik WaterFlosser - How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Waterpik WaterFlosser – How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders

This water pick is really impressive.  It’s power washer that can be quite powerful. It features 10 pressure settings, 7 Waterpik water flossing tips(included), and 90 seconds of water capacity. This type of waterpik can stay right on your bathroom sink, and it just needs to be filled up once a day, depending on how often it’s used.

There is much controversy on the subject, but there have been some studies that show this waterpik device to out perform flossing. In order to replace flossing, it needs to be used properly, so this is why I recommend you also get the plaque disclosing agent which can be found at this website.

For myself, I have recently been using a disclosing agent, which is a food coloring dye that I will place onto my teeth after brushing to see how much plaque and bacteria is on my teeth.


Then I will use the waterpick to focus on the areas that I have missed. It’s a very educational experience for myself, and really shows me how much I am missing.  There is no one to sugar coat how my oral hygiene is, and makes me want to use the waterpik more because I know I’m getting the plaque off.

Butler G-U-M Red-cote Dental Disclosing Tablets – Package of 248 tablets

Disclosing Tablets - How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Disclosing Tablets-

Waterpik Orthodontic Tips Pro OD-100E 2 pk (Pack of 3)

According to Waterpik website, the Waterpik orthodontic tip is:

“Clinically proven to remove three times as much plaque as traditional string floss and significantly improve gum health for orthodontic patients.”

Waterpik Water Flosser Heads - How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Waterpik Water Flosser Heads – How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders


This Orthodontic tip is designed specifically to clean around your braces, and it should be replaced every 3 months, just like your toothbrush.  It has a 5 star rating on Amazon because these tips work on most Waterpiks, including models:WP/100/105/110/120/130/250/260/300/360/365/440/450/455/460/480/660/900.

How to Use Different Orthodontic WaterFlosser Water Pik Heads

Please double check your model is compatible before purchasing one of these tips.

Normal floss and other string type floss can get between the teeth, but they don’t have the power to flush food particles out of the pockets and clean around the orthodontic brackets like the Waterpik.


The 7 different flossing tips can be great depending on your Dental Hygiene needs, but is especially impressive for teens with braces.

Waterpik for Traveling and The Shower

Even though the countertop Waterpik is impressive as well as ADA approved, it’s not portable enough to take on long road trips, pack in a travel bag, or use in a shower.  We all like to go on trips, go to friends houses to sleep over, etc.

This is the waterpik that you can use in the shower, take with you while you travel.

      • It’s lightweight,
      • it’s durable,
      • Has two power modes for easy handling
      • ADA approved,
      • Clinically Proven the Easy and More Effective Way to Floss,
      • requires only 3 AA batteries,
      • waterproof, and the
      • batteries only need to be replaced after 1-2 months, depending on how often it’s used..
      • 3 Different floss tips – INCLUDES ORTHODONTIC TIP, 

        and 2 classic jets

Use this flosser anywhere you go, and let it do the work of strengthening up your gums at the same time.

Waterpik For the Shower

Waterpik Water Flosser - How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Waterpik Water Flosser – How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders


If you want to read more about water Flossers, check out this article on Best Dental Floss of 2019 [Complete Guide]

You won’t have to deal with the blood on the floss either.

How to Use Portable Water Flosser

How to Use the Waterpik Water Flosser

Device #2:

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?

Plackers Ortho Picks

Plackers Orthopick - How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Plackers Orthopick – How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders

These picks make life with braces so much easier because there is no threading involved.

On amazon, there are kids parents writing that their kids Dental Hygiene routine are coming down from 20 minutes a day to 2 minutes a day.


Imagine how nice it would feel if you knew your kids were actually taking care of their teeth on a regular basis. Not being able to do something as simple as this can actually cause your kids self-esteem to suffer.

It’s important to coach them along the way, and let them know they are doing a great job when they are actually keeping up with the routine.

Some links that will help you use these Plackers Ortho picks can be found at the following websites:

How to Floss with braces with Floss Picks?
Plackers Floss For Braces – Orthopick Flossers
How to use Plackers Orthopick Flosser For Braces

Device #3:

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?

Soft Picks

GUM Soft-Picks Advanced, 60 Count (Pack of 2)

Gum Soft Picks Advanced- How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Gum Soft Picks Advanced-


How to use Gum Soft Picks Advanced

Device #4:

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?

Orthodontic Platypus Floss

These flossers work great, and are similar to the Plackers Ortho Floss.  It’s just made by a different brand. Check out the youtube video, and pick out the Ortho Floss Pick that would work best for you. Let us know which one you choose in the comments below.

Platypus Orthodontic Flosser 30 Count Bag (6 Pack)

Platypus Orthodontic Flosser- How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Platypus Orthodontic Flosser- How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders


How to use Platypus Orthodontic Floss

Device #5:

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?

Interdental Brush

TEPE Interdental Brush Original Cleaners – Dental Brushes Between Teeth 6 Pk, Pink

Interdental Brush- How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Interdental Brush- How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders


DenTek Easy Brush Interdental Cleaners | Brushes Between Teeth | Standard | Mint Flavor | 16 Count | Pack of 6

Dentek Interdental Brush- How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders
Dentek Interdental Brush-


How to Use Dentek Interdental Brush

Device #6:

How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders ?


This type of floss is very similar to threaders, but you don’t have to thread floss into the threader. You could say these are pre-threaded floss, which makes them usable right out of the package.

Oral-B Super Floss Mint Dental Floss Pre-Cut Strands 50 ea (Pack of 6)

Superfloss for braces
Superfloss for braces



How to Floss Braces with Super Floss


For a complete list of Flossing Articles:

Best Dental Floss of 2019 [Complete Guide]




How to Floss with braces without floss threaders?


Can I use FLoss Threaders to clean my bridge or implants?

For people that have bridges or implants, this is a great option and sometimes one of their only options. They only have one or two implants or one or two bridges, so they only have to use the floss threader to get under once or twice.

Can I Floss Braces With Water Flosser or Water Pik?

This device can help rid your mouth of gingivitis and it’s quick too! If you have braces, don't want to deal with any type of floss including Platypus Floss, Plackers floss or anything with a string, then try out the water flosser. Personally, I think water flossers are the easiest to use because it's all based on aiming the water flosser at the base of the pockets and just spraying the gums.

Is the Waterpik a good option for cleaning braces compared to string floss?

There is much controversy on the subject, but there have been some studies that show this waterpik device to out perform flossing. In order to replace flossing, it needs to be used properly

Is there an orthodontic tip for waterpiks or waterflossers?

This Orthodontic tip is designed specifically to clean around your braces, and it should be replaced every 3 months, just like your toothbrush.

Are there Waterpik for Traveling and The Shower?

Even though the countertop Waterpik is impressive as well as ADA approved, it's not portable enough to take on long road trips, pack in a travel bag, or use in a shower. We all like to go on trips, go to friends houses to sleep over, etc.

For Braces, are Floss threaders or Ortho Picks easier to clean my braces?

Orthopicks make life with braces so much easier because there is no threading involved. On Amazon, there are kid's parents writing that their kids Dental Hygiene routine are coming down from 20 minutes a day to 2 minutes a day.

Can I clean my braces with Superfloss?

This type of floss is very similar to threaders, but you don't have to thread floss into the threader. You could say these are pre-threaded floss, which makes them usable right out of the package.

Which Floss is best for braces?

The top floss choices include Waterpik Water flossers, Placker's Orthopick, and Platypus Floss due to their ease of use.

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How to use Floss For Braces ?

Flossing your teeth with braces can be one of the trickiest and most frustrating experience for any teenager, so that’s why this article is going to teach you exactly how to floss with braces with floss picks !!

Flossing your teeth as a child or teenager without floss can be extremely difficult and frustrating all by itself, and floss threaders can take forever to do.

As a teenager or adult with braces, time is important, and you don’t have all day to floss your teeth. You probably have sports, family dinners, friends to hang out with, homework, projects, Doctor appointments, etc.

Here is a great video that will teach you :

How to Floss with braces with Floss Picks?

Here is a link to get some of these special flossers if you have braces, but never got yourself some.

Platypus Orthodontic Flossers for Braces 

These Platypus Floss picks can be a real time-saver because you don’t have to fiddle around with the floss threaders trying to reach under and through your braces.  As a teenager/child, there is already a limited amount of dexterity, and the expectation to get in there with floss threaders is insurmountably ridiculous!

In order to do this correctly, you want to gently slide the platypus floss slowly down between the bracket and the tooth. Once you get past where the tooth contacts each other, you want to do the C-shape flossing method. This is where you will gently hug the tooth, and go up and down on each side of the tooth.

In my opinion, this is even an annoying idea for a teenager.

How to Floss with braces with Floss Threaders?

Heres a video of flossing with floss threaders to see how much more difficult it is compared to the platypus flossers

If there are any kids/teens/adults that can do this everyday, and have a normal life, they should be getting a medal because normal people won’t even floss their teeth everyday without floss.

In the Dental Products Guy opinion as well as some Orthodontists opinions , the best option would be the a water flosser. The choice is really up to the teen as to what they are most comfortable doing.

If you are interested in trying out these floss threaders, here’s a link below:

DenTek Floss Threaders | | Works with Braces, Bridges, and Implants | 50 Count with Case | Pack of 6 

For people that have bridges or implants, this is a great option and sometimes one of their only options. They only have one or two implants or one or two bridges, so they only have to use the floss threader to get under once or twice.

But it’s a cruel practice to expect a teen/child/adult to floss using the floss threader every single day.  It would be very time consuming which is like torture for a teenager.

How to floss with braces without floss threaders?

If I were to get back into braces, I would just get a Waterpik(aka: Waterflosser).  These devices allow you to use the pressure of the water to get under the gums and really help flush food and bacteria out of the gum pockets.

This device can help rid your mouth of gingivitis and it’s quick too! There are waterpiks that you can use in the shower, while using it across your teeth and strengthening up your gums at the same time.

Waterpik For the Shower
Waterpik For the Shower

If you want to read more about water Flossers, check out this article on Best Dental Floss of 2019 [Complete Guide]

You won’t have to deal with the blood on the floss either.

Here’s another funny thing about Dental Floss picks that I never really got an answer from anyone on, so please leave a message in the comments if you know.

Dentists , Hygienists and Orthodontists promote the use of floss picks right? For sake of argument, let’s say YES, YOU’RE RIGHT

They also say that when you floss your teeth, you’re supposed to change up the part of the floss when moving from one tooth to another because you will introduce bacteria from one tooth to another.


What about with Disposable Floss picks having just a small area that you are cleaning every tooth surface between your teeth.

Technically, you are using the same piece of floss in the same areas.


Technically you are spreading bacteria from tooth to tooth using these floss picks right?

I could never get an answer for this, so if you know , please let me know.


Why is it so tough for Kids and teenagers to floss their braces?

As a teenager/child, there is already a limited amount of dexterity, and the expectation to get in there with floss threaders is insurmountably ridiculous!

How can I properly floss my braces?

In order to do this correctly, you want to gently slide the platypus floss slowly down between the bracket and the tooth. Once you get past where the tooth contacts each other, you want to do the C-shape flossing method. This is where you will gently hug the tooth, and go up and down on each side of the tooth.

What is a Waterflosser do?

These devices allow you to use the pressure of the water to get under the gums and really help flush food and bacteria out of the gum pockets.

What's awesome about Water Flossers?

They're quick, easy and you don't have to touch your mouth or deal with blood. These devices allow you to use the pressure of the water to get under the gums and really help flush food and bacteria out of the gum pockets. This device can help rid your mouth of gingivitis and it's quick too!

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Plackers orthopick dental floss picks for braces

Plackers Orthopick Dental Floss Picks for Braces, 36 Count (Pack of 4)


Plackers Orthopick Dental Floss Picks for Braces, 36 Count (Pack of 4)






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    Plackers Orthopicks are specifically designed to keep your braces gunk free and your mouth looking amazing and feeling fresh !!!!

    These Orthopicks are made with Super Tuffloss material, which won’t shred, break or get stuck in braces.

  • The thin arm allows this product to slide between the brace wire to clean under the gums.The Dental floss Pick helps to remove food debris from your teeth and braces without irritating your gums and creating tooth sensitivity.
    • Super Tuffloss won’t shred like regular floss
    • The Thin arm slides between teeth and under the braces wire so easily for most !!!
    • Easy to grip handle allows comfortable access in order to clean hard to reach areas
    • Plackers orthopick dental floss pick [toothpick] gets teeth and braces extra clean
    • Great for on the go too – movies, school, car work, restaurants, great after snacks, meals, football games, sports events, hiking, etc
  • Keep your gums strong, mouth feeling fresh and braces looking Great with Plackers orthopick dental floss picks for braces
  • Created not to shred, tear,rip or even stretch because it contains the world’s strongest dental floss, Super Tuffloss

  • Soft and flexible and durable toothpick removes food and plaque without harming gums or braces





Made with the world’s strongest dental floss, which won’t shred or get stuck in braces. Thin floss arm capable of reaching between teeth, under gums and brace’s wires.

Plackers Orthopick TOOTHPICK

Great for removal of additional plaque and food debris from teeth and braces.

Perfect for ON THE GO

So convenient!!!

Ortho Picks For Braces- How to floss with Floss Picks

Product details

  • Product Dimensions: 1 x 4.6 x 6.4 inches ; 1.92 ounces
  • Shipping Weight: 8 ounces
  • Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars   56 current customer reviews


How to Floss With Braces Without Floss Threaders




Are Plackers Orthopicks good for cleaning Braces?

These Orthopicks are made with Super Tuffloss material, which won't shred, break or get stuck in braces. The thin arm allows this product to slide between the brace wire to clean under the gums.The Dental floss Pick helps to remove food debris from your teeth and braces without irritating your gums and creating tooth sensitivity.

What are the benefits of Plackers Orthopicks to clean my braces?

The thin arm allows this product to slide between the brace wire to clean under the gums. The Dental floss Pick helps to remove food debris from your teeth and braces without irritating your gums and creating tooth sensitivity. Super Tuffloss won't shred like regular floss The Thin arm slides between teeth and under the braces wire so easily for most !!! Easy to grip handle allows comfortable access in order to clean hard to reach areas Plackers orthopick dental floss pick gets teeth and braces extra clean Great for on the go too, movies, school, car work, restaurants, great after snacks, meals, football games, sports events, hiking, etc

How can I clean my braces when I travel?

Plackers Orthopicks, Great for on the go too, movies, school, car work, restaurants, great after snacks, meals, football games, sports events, hiking, etc

How is Plackers Orthopick for braces different from regular floss picks for people without braces?

The Thin arm slides between teeth and under the braces wire so easily for most !!! Easy to grip handle allows comfortable access in order to clean hard to reach areas